Mitch Kelleher

It was deciding...

I think there’s also a certain extent to which being in a car enables anti-social behavior in a way a bike doesn’t. It’s a lot easier to be a jerk with 150+hp, 3000lbs of metal and glass, and concealment providing a sense of anonymity than it is with your own two legs and exposure to your immediate environment. Not to

Despite what car apologists might be thinking about this, I think that there’s a definite correlation that was already highlighted, and I know this firsthand. But what is also important to note is people cycling in cities are also more likely to be local residents of that area, which means there’s a stake in how the

I think they started off the same, then an hour amongst other drivers and the idea of murder mayhem and violence seems like a really good plan

Relax, the woman was just disrupted.

Car insurance is a product you are forced to buy if you want to drive on US roads, the companies that sell insurance are not all that well regulated, and they can arbitrarily decide to jack up insurance rates or even choose to not cover certain car models as seen here. They also do absolutely everything they can to

Why do all boats have the worst speaker covers. Looks like something I’d see in the back of a 92 civic on bags.

People genuinely don’t understand what a massive deal it is that an AI designed a creature that has legs when prompted to design a something that walks.

once the donut is installed on the vehicle that the driver gets absolutely zero reminders from the dash?

Run flat tires on all the cars is a recipe for Altimas Rogues going 90mph on four flat tires.

I’ve never found an answer to my question concerning stability control. What would you do in your situation you describe if you had stability control? Are we supposed to just treat it like ABS brakes as in stop the pedal and they didn’t do the job? What stability control should we just put the steering wheel in the

For the most part, run flats are garbage. More expensive, they often wear faster, and have a harsher ride.  Also, there are scenarios where even a run flat can get shredded beyond drivability.

I don’t know what the answer is here, but it certainly is not “run flat tires for all the cars”

You are conjuring a scenario that happens extremely rarely regardless of what the media portrays. Even if it does, if the so-called psycho has the drop on your wife and her scrambling for a gun a sure fire way to get killed.

She stopped being a real draw decades ago.  Time to break the wall, tow her out and either scrap her or turn her into an artificial reef (Dive the Queen Mary!).  Then turn her “berth” into a second cruise ship berth and likely generate more revenue.

Can we please remind everyone that the woman he attacked is a bona fide badass, grizzly bear mom who was protecting her kids.

Boss is probably like, “Yeah fuck him, tell him I turned him in too.” 

Better yet, train a 16" turret on the QM and sink it, which is really what needs to be done with this orphaned money pit. Nostalgia aside, I’m sorry Queen Mary, it seems nobody is just that into you.

I’ve never seen a mugshot of a guy more named “Cody” than this.

Cool. Now get all his friends. 

These are gutter trash street goons, not organized criminals. Boss will be fine.