
Jaws 4:The Revenge - Remember "This time it's personal!"? Damn right it's personal - somebody still owes my grandmother her money back for taking me to see that hot mess.

Paul did check his life blog on his phone and determined that he and Lindsey had unprotected sex for approx. 30 seconds before he wrapped it up. It just takes one strong swimmer!!

Must be a "very special" episode.

"Please Like Me"

Well, the joke's on you because Frankie can't find her purse!

Remember when the neighborhood had that peeping tom? Who did he peep on first? (I'm paraphrasing here, but you get the idea.)

.. and no one (at least in that bar) seems to give a shit!!

I thought the same thing. Also, why didn't he share that tidbit with Travis before they left? Now who's the monster.

The Killing

Dorian probably has an emergency stash of blood already in his boudoir in case of an emergency blood-soaked menage a trois. If you stay ready, you never have to get ready.

Not just running. Something that needs stamina: Long distance running. Cross-country running.

Joe's cool - as we saw in the last episode (or maybe the one before?), he can make a martini and box. He's fine at home by himself for a few days.

She is so the Meg (unjustly). The reviewer mentioned her once and only in relation to Manny's misunderstanding. There's not one mention of her entire Titanic-inspired story line.

Does he require the moonlight to wolf out? If he in the hull of the ship, maybe it didn't happen. Or maybe the inspector was there and saw it and now he is even more determined to see Ethan hang.

I like everything about him as well .. that hair, those eyes, those lips … uh oh, I feel my inner beast coming out!

Being immortal (I assume?), he certainly didn't need to rush things. He literally has all the time in the world, so he can bide his time and make their meeting appear completely coincidental.

1892 huh? Is it too late for her to meet Lord Grantham or did that American already get her hooks into him? Oh, I 'd love to see Vanessa and the Dowager Countess having tea.

Also SJP on SATC, until she wouldn't pee on him!!

I was thinking the same thing. Plus resurrecting Khal Drogo didn't work out so well either!

It's not television, but "I Spit on Your Grave" may be the genesis of that trope.