
She did the same thing when she and Kimmy went to the dollar store to buy silverfish poison in episode one.

Bojack Horseman! - What are you doing here?!?!

So where's the outrage that Ki Hong Lee - an actor of Korean descent - is portraying a Vietnamese character?

Interesting coincidence: I was googling Jane Krakowski, and according to, her net worth is $12 million!! Hope she doesn't blow it all on a painting!

Brilliant. Great gag. Compare it to the scene in Season One when Jacqueline is explaining to Kimmy what Julian likes to do to her feet. Kimmy covers her ears and says "La la la, etc." while Jacqueline acts out the kink and you only hear the final part: "gasm". Jane Krakowski is a national treasure!

What an incredible coincidence (or is it?!?!) that scene came just a few days after Hillary's Metro Card swipe debacle!!

I thought they were about to go there and that Junior was going to spill all the beans. Maybe that's why Zoey (already displaying her parental side) kept trying to end the whole thing before it got to the big ones (i.e. Santa, tooth fairy, etc.).

"You make your first dress when your mom is at work and you're in the 6th grade." As usual, Carson nails it.

Yes, especially after Gareth noted that the nut bowl was not even close to being big enough!!

Me too. I had to hit pause after "The sky ball's doing its shine thing." If we ever have another sunny day here, I'm totally using that!

This is exactly why I like her character so much. She reminds me so much of Carrie on Sex and the City (one of my favorite fictional people of all time). Sure, they are both the main characters of their respective shows, but they are far from perfect. Carrie was so neurotic and very often self-centered, but these

"makes you the [weiner]."

Getting On comes damn close. Sadly, this is the last season.

Did anybody else think the 3-d printed man would be one of the other guys and McConaughey would be an actual real (very strange) dude?

I think because she wants to pin Feather's murder on them, it is in her best interest that they not be caught. As long as she survived I think that's enough for her.

Quick - put on this belt!!

No Time Warner service? Did you miss any emails from your architect about your farmhouse sink?

Mitchell was killing it in this episode. "This market might be an excuse to get a bunch of white people in one place." When Jay asks why he looks so pale and sweaty, Mitchell: "Well, you're old and Irish."

Yes, I wonder about the monogamy issue too. Arnold's response really surprised me - and it seemed to surprise Josh too - especially since they're living together now. Hopefully it will be explored more in the future and wasn't just a throw-away.

How perfect was that? "So - I've made a mistake." My love/respect for this show just tripled when he said that instead of trying to hide it with an oven mitt or something equally sitcom-typical.