
Well, it's definitely up Spielbergs alley, not sure about any of those other adjectives

This was one of the worst books I've read in recent memory, does no one recognize this as the poorly written, self pleased need pandering it is? This book is so bland and phony

This movie deserves a spoiler space!

I would be very pissed if I went there, it's so isolated and small, there's nothing to do except get stoned and go to these shows they book every now and

All of his SNL performances have been iconic, he's an icon, unsure why they wouldn't have him on, can't think of a more perfect artist to represent the musical aspect SNL

Kanye is never unecessary

People are still making Twilight jokes? boringgggg

I can't and won't believe that Entertainment and Mistress America aren't great

This is a shitty write up of a great song from a great album from a great artist. The pithy dismissals of Kanyes artistry, and his ability to pick up on musical trends reeks of anti-rap elitism, but I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less from the critic who is constantly championing dorky Midwestern Pop punk bands

That's civil of you, Silver Jews bringing people together!

Gross, amateurish movie. D'Angelos been trying to defend this juvenile, morally dubious movie from day 1 and I'm still not buying it.

Glad some people repped cayetana, sad only one person repped perfect pussy, confused by all the love for midwestern pop punk

Anyway I can exchange Jenny slate for that target gift card?

I'll upvote to that, good name too

ooo boi, quite possibly I guess, hard to tell what was an actual news item and what was just the casting that made the most sense in my head

I mean, sure, I meant more that they didn't really have a clear idea who they wanted for each character, just that they wanted gosling, smith, and hardy, and when they couldn't get gosling they bumped smith up to deadshot and slotted courtney into boomerang. That is if you believe the speculation that smith was

Is it wrong of me to suspect that they just kinda sent out a bunch of scripts to popular actors, and filled in the rolls based on who responded?

what's the deal with Medak? I think I've only seen ruling class, and despite its flaws, its at least a real unique work. Maybe thats more due to O'toole and the play its based on, but still he's had a strange mercenary career that his work on that movie wouldn't really suggest

I thought this was gonna be about that Wilson adaptation thats been in the work, significantly less interested in this, Matt Damon would have been some weird casting for wilson anyway i guess

Why can't whedon throw him a bone? Nicholas Brendon for Dr. Strange!