
Came on here to see if anyone had anything to say about this and it seems that not a single commenter has seen this movie….

Had hoped that this might be the movie where they finally turn this shit into a self aware, adult oriented National Treasure (Is there a better line of dialogue this year than "Dante's Inferno isn't fiction, its a prophecy"?)

Understand that he was somehow involved with Born in Flames as well, albeit more tangentially?

This all tracks, and I think Bay is a much more savvy filmmaker than his middlebrow detractors make him out to be, but there was definitely a layer of homophobia and misogyny here (and in lots of his movies) that was hard to get past.

This is a nice obituary, lots of facts I didn't know, Ignatiy is so smart

For a second I thought Titus weren't gonna be on here, but then they were and I was like "phew". Apparently I invest more in these inventories than I cared to admit to myself

They should've played up this "twist" it's the only thing that has me remotely interested in this movie

I appreciate that this wasn't more low hanging fruit, but his arguement seems to be the quintessential "poppy earworms are great, and If you disagree your lying to yourself and being condescending." I don't even really like radiohead but if the music world was solely "call me maybe"s it'd be a boring place, no? Anyway

I mean, is he entirely wrong? I get that he is in a public position where saying such things is kinda inappropriate, but i feel like his passive aggressive digs against Fallon are kinda on point. Never understood the appeal of Fallon's Tonight Show, feels pretty gimmicky too bad Conan hung him out to dry, but

Eh, I'd debate you on the latter point, but you're quite right about the sopranos, it's why a lot of casual viewers disavowed the last couple seasons, alas

For sure, that's a good addition, The Shield's pleasures are similar to those of Justified

Those closing moments gave me chills, great finale, I'll miss Justified as its one of the few remaining shows I was keeping up with (still watching mad men, but you know…..)

This is moderately good news, but, I mean Idris Elba for black manta, right?

Hopefully she'll stumble over her own words, but ya know, in an endearing way

And I'm equally tired of the archetypal whedon nerd dream girl, but I guess we can't have it all….

I would point out that Alan Arkin didn't win an Oscar for Argo but then it would look like I care about such things, so I won't!

Agreed with most of these minus computer chess, really off base with that assessment. Still amazed by how much love both Gone Girl and Budapest got last year, both of the complaints against them were on point and then some

IDK, despite the series of caveats in this review, I'm pretty thoroughly sold. This character interests me a whole lot more than any of the other ones they've addressed in the MCU thus far, and the fact that it doesn't play like TV isn't exactly a draw back for me.

Yes, all minor typos, Some debatably so, im commenting on the Internet not submitting a novel to be published. I'm not sure why you would seek to disqualify anyone from voicing their opinions about a book, i don't care if you like it, I'm looking for dissenting voices as I found this book to be massively over praised

Yes, a minor typo in the AV Clubs comments section disqualifies me from saying that I thought Ernest Clines' prose was lacking