
Why is everyone so vehemently against pumpkin spice stuff? It's delicious, of course its not what actual pumpkin tastes like, neither is any artificial fruit flavoring found in various beverages, candies, etc. That chart of what's in pumpkin spice lattes came out awhile ago and everyone was really smug about it, but I

I've always found something kinda off putting about soos and this whole dating sim plot line doesn't help him any, he's definitely the weakest of the main 5 in my opinion. At least wendy was consistently on point

Disqus is a cruel mistress

I'll take your word for it, sounds a little more clear cut and worthy of scrutiny, as opposed to acting faux-shocked about a disney channel show depicting a bra (heaven forbid)

I don't know that I could stomach that, can't everybody just enjoy the show without patting themselves on the back for picking up on innuendo?

Why is there always some sort of coalition of commenters who pop up just to marvel at how "edgy" gravity falls is for disney channel, going to the extent of describing scenes in such a way that makes them sound much more unsavory. I mean come on, its a good show that appeals to a wide audience, but its content isn't

What's with all the lynchian imagery this episode? not displeased by it, but not exactly sure it serves much of a purpose, although there seem to be some eraserhead parallels with eli maybe.

ya know, every time I've heard mention of this movie, the song pops into my head, seems like the joke of having that in the movie could only play if that wasn't such an obvious move

A little disappointed that it seemed like they were trying to edit andrew into some kind of douche bag towards the end, but this show was pretty terrific, too bad i doubt we'll see them deliver on that vizier teaser at the end.
(also I found Bonnie's songs/earnestness unbearable, I was quite concerned that she would

I suppose I meant that more superficially than overall quality. Clearly this album doesn't have the staying power of either of those, and 2 days later I haven't found myself wanting to return to this album.

This is a weird non-committal review. Anyway I think the aesthetic is nice, and the album is solid if not a bit slight in comparison to the rest of her oeuvre. Somewhere in between the original Julie Ruin album and Daniel Johnston

Fine, whatever, but when's Lucy coming back?!?

I was thinking more along the lines of The WIz, but hey, he's the boss

I went and saw Before the Devil Knows You're Dead with my mother, not knowing much more than it was Philip Seymour Hoffman in a Sidney Lumet movie. Needless to say the very first scene (an unflinching look at PSH fucking Marisa Tomei of course) didn't go over well. I didn't feel as bad as much as I was annoyed that

I guess I've never seen Stuart Murdoch before, is it just the picture, or does he always look like Ted Leo?

Really happy about this review after the wishy-washy Dissolve critique, this is definitely a top 10 of the year for me, and although the origin story business felt a little too heavy handed, I think what comes before, and the conclusion (not to mention Juri's impressive performance) saves it. Also happy to see the

I mean, there were a few strong, yet not particularly original or memorable (save guardians I guess, and maybeeeeeee captain america) studio films, can it actually be called a good year for movies? I guess its a step up from 2013, but that's not saying a whole lot.

Controversial Statement: Hand of God is better than any of the (3) episodes I watched of the Leftovers, at least Hand of God doesn't try and mask its pulpiness in unearned pretension

Hysteria can be tossed on the kindling pile along with that new Jason Reitman movie and every other example of media that's scared of cell phones in 2014

Still doing the "I don't know what Community is" thing, huh? Great angle.