Arthur/Charlatan 2020: Make America Grey Again
Arthur/Charlatan 2020: Make America Grey Again
See, I was going to say that beating a live horse was a nice change from hearing about Superbowl III.
The horse handled it with equinimity, one would say.
Only someone associated with the Jets would try to beat a live horse.
Can’t we just be happy that we found an American teenager who isn’t fat?
Man, between this and the players asking for a social justice month, I bet the Ginger Hammer is going to be pounding the white zin tonight. After it breathes a little of course, he’s not an animal.
Does this explain why he has failed to score more goals in said shit league?
I say this about every ICE agent: if you don’t condone these actions, quit. By continuing to wear that badge, you are complicit with every action your brethren take; just following orders is what they said at Nuremberg, too. At some point, you will be hunted just as they were.
That highlight package was like watching SportsCenter as directed by David Lynch.
This is a solid theory. Or she saw his banal crap and decided he wasn’t worth it anymore and so she went BIG VANILLA on him.
Theory: She had one in mind, but it’s something intense and involved (“I carve marble busts of assassinated world leaders”) and when he presented his totally banal list (“I enjoy breathing and looking at things that are in front of me”) she panicked and gave up.
Because to Trump and therefore to the White House, someone saying something mean about Trump is far more important than any of those issues.
Why is this a thing? North Korea is shooting missiles over Japan. 800,000 dreamers don’t know where they will be in 6 months. Nazis are literally marching in the streets. The Middle East is...well, that’s always a shitstorm. Surely, the president doesn’t have time to focus on all these things AND rant continuously…
His legacy will be a generation of activated progressives.
+1 star, oh no wait, it’s saying I removed a star. Ok I’ll reload the page I guess
+1 auto-play video that i want to light on fire oh shit now i’ve scrolled to a different article i guess
+1 slow-loading ad on mobile that makes the nav jump