Makes me feel like we just might find her wandering the streets asking for the time before long.
Makes me feel like we just might find her wandering the streets asking for the time before long.
She is in fact that pigtail “goth” chick from the crime lab show your mom watches.
She is exactly that girl. She’s an actress on NCIS.
I think that, as shitty as America is with racism, it *is* good that we acknowledge it (for the most part). I feel like there are a lot of other countries that declared themselves done with racism when they’re clearly way behind where we are in a lot of ways.
Obviously not! It clearly is shit and there was no intent to criticize or minimize on my side. I just find it interesting that the two concepts (MRA’s and evolutionary psychology) are now functionally identical. Like how “state’s rights” became “segregation” or how “life” became “reproductive rights restriction.” It…
My takeaway here is that basically every country is terrible on race, just in different ways.
This is a well-written, thought-provoking article.
That’s why he’s being charged with manslaughter, not murder. It’s negligence, not willful intent to kill someone.
Strumpet is more their speed;
like super edgy Dolly. Alt-Dolly. I like it. I bet she would adore being compared to her as well.
Ya know if that’s the case, Jez should be proud
Big hair and glitzy suit - I see it
So the NFL has decided not to allow their content on Jez cuz Jez repeatedly called them out for their horrific misogyny? Nice!
He must not have a lot of butt depth?
Yeah, and he’s got a lot of people who worship him. There’s almost no coverage of the HGH scandal. Though the sexual assault is obviously way more disturbing.
Yeah DANG. He’s got such a good guy image. I know there are a lot of cover-ups for football players accused of crimes (especially the white ones), but wow.
Hah. Like someone associated with the Bush family would start a rumor about a political rival having a secret kid. I can’t imagine that would ever happen.
What I really find beautiful about statements like that is the unbridled arrogance of them. You don’t get to decide who goes to hell. God does. Show some goddamn humility to the Big Guy you choose to believe in.
I was thinking the fact that he had sex in undergrad was the outrageous sex rumor.
Damn it, Jezebel. Now I have to live the rest of my life with the knowledge that there is one positive thing about Ted Cruz.