The title implying that life is utopian after DV is also incorrect and insensitive.
The title implying that life is utopian after DV is also incorrect and insensitive.
we should just avoid victimising women who don’t want to be victimised, just because they happen to be celebrities. they deserve agency especially about stupid and harmful shit like this
My major issue is that Kim (I know little about Miley) is married. If her battered face is becoming a poster example of domestic violence, wouldn’t that imply Kanye beats women?
it totally can!
I think the idea of using photos of women unwillingly to push your narrative can also be exploitative and destructive, thus this seems very ugly to me.
So we fight abuse by casting women, without their consent, as victims of abuse? Sounds about the level of disconnect this culture is serving up these days.
There are a lot of very real and rational reasons women experiencing intimate partner violence are silent about it—primarily because they fear for their lives. So by putting the onus on women in active abuse situations to speak up he is essentially blaming them for their own victimization.
What I find so upsetting about this is that SILENCE is not the problem. LAX LAW ENFORCEMENT/MESSED UP LAWS deserve at least as much attention, if not more. And they are actionable and don’t put the burden on the victim to be more vocal.
It’s also worth noting how incredibly shitty and poor-quality his art pieces usually are. Like, I am literally impressed that he managed to manipulate Photoshop effectively enough to produce these ads.
Yeah, I have a problem with this because, first, I don’t think it’s okay to use images of real women to make a hypothetical shocking point. Being famous does not mean your photo is up for grabs; I don’t see this as being all that much different from photoshopping the women into sexual situations for purposes of porn.…
I hate this.
This is disgusting.
I find his work revolting. Hopping from trending issue to trending issue is a pretty clear signal that he’s interested in raising awareness about his artwork, not that he’s passionate about any particular topic. If he really wanted to make a difference, why not donate his talents to a campaign run by a reputable…
The other thing that’s dumb (I don’t use that word casually. I mean this is campaign is truly stupid and unthoughtful) is that it makes the “face of domestic violence victims” into black eyes and split lips. Domestic violence doesn’t always look like that. Like the idea that “anyone can be a victim of DV!” is directly…
Just when I think popular feminism can’t get any stupider, some improbably named douche called Alexsandro shows up to let us know how fucking dumb it can get.
The Disney princess project I can get behind, but when it is images of real women that are photoshopped like this, it is absolutely disrespectful and exploitative.
Some people have been criticizing the negative treatment of Chris Brown because famous white abusers don’t get treated the same. I think those criticisms are fair enough, but that the lesson is not to let the ‘poor guy’ off. Rather it should be, treat the white wife-beating pieces of shit the same way. It’s what they…
Well, have you worked with many foster kids? A lot of them have really serious emotional (and sometimes physical) problems. It's heartbreaking, and all children deserve a loving home, and I think it is wonderful that Bullock has done this- especially since she has the resources to help the little girl out with any…
I wonder if this isn’t maybe a de facto admission on the part of the Daily Show staff that they don’t really have much confidence in Noah as an interviewer just yet. Stewart had all sorts of deeply objectionable people on but it made for compelling TV because he was pretty good about going after them.