Mitch Connor

This is why consent should be continuously taught in schools. Every year, every grade. UGH!

It feels like we’re backsliding. And I wouldn’t have thought that possible.

That is fucking disgusting and tragic. Toxic masculinity is a goddamn plague on society and must be eradicated. How pathetic and insecure must you be to KILL someone to prove that you’re still a hetero macho man.

It’s always so magical when a woman can look at a man and just know... He’s the one... The one for anal.

It might have been kinky sex that turned nonconsensual. It might have been vanilla sex that turned nonconsensual. It might have been nonconsensual from the beginning, and she was throwing her usual safeword out hoping to make it stop. Does it matter?

You answered your own question. They probably had the kind of sex that requires a safe word.

Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.

Holy fuck, some of these comments.

I mean it’s OKAY for anyone to argue with him if that’s what they want to do but honestly he’s not WORTH arguing with. He’s a huge asshole and a troll and he clearly doesnt like women. He says things JUST to rile people up and get you to argue back with him and when the going gets tough in the argument he ends up just

No, I’ll probably go after him, too: he’s my favorite kind of troll.

I think it’s because there is one major offender who is usually extremely prolific and he’s doing the same thing tonight - responding to dozens of comments.

You know who would never label himself a feminist? My dad. He is in his late 60s and says all kinds of sexist shit all the time. Not maliciously but like a guy who has never had to think too hard about his own privilege. Here’s another story about my dad. When I was like ten or so we were watching a van Damme movie

I never know what to do with these kinds of cases. I am a survivor of rape, and deeply believe in showing support and compassion to victims, but at the same time I am deeply uncomfortable with the idea that a person’s personal and professional life can and should be ruined based on two tweets, with absolutely no

Yeah I’m wondering if it’s that the members who are interested in adopting are just making it known that they would take the baby if no other family comes forward/no other adoption is secured? I’m sure they can’t circumvent the system, so perhaps it’s just that they want to help but don’t know what that would entail.

This is a very, very good law and should be publicized more. Especially in highschools and colleges. I don’t think enough at risk women — the sort who have been in denial of or hiding their pregnancy, especially — are aware that there is an option to give the baby into safe keeping with no one ever holding you

Well would you look at that. Christians upholding the teachings of Christ.

Young, scared, pregnancy hormones, fear, tepidation......
The baby is safe that’s all that matters.

Movies are in production long before the public hears about them, the casting and filming had probably already begun when Exodus came out.


I feel you. My step father smokes in the doorway, but outside and then comes right back inside. It stinks so much. We have turn on the fan or leave the room. According to him washing his hands makes it all ok. I also had to start taking my daughter to school later to avoid the parents walking to school and smoking.