Mitch Connor

This is not a court of law.

Hi I'm a long time reader and had to make an account on this because I've experienced this. I had a long time friend (male) who knew I was a lesbian and for the most part accepted it. I knew he was attracted to me, but for the most part we were like bros — hanging out, drinking beer, eating pizza, playing video games,

Normally I’d agree with you but this is not a normal situation. She’s very powerful in the industry - more so than he is - and has an impeccable reptuation.

My rapist waxed eloquent about consent, went to marches against violence against women, loudly declares himself a feminist.

Stop your porn bullshit. Regardless of how you feel about porn, it has nothing to do with that here, it’s the story of a girl raped by her ex, who everyone is gushing over.

They both like BDSM. It’s not the rough stuff that is problematic here, it is the consent.

I was with you until the last bit. That is such a horrible, massive generalization that has no bit of merit to it.

That’s one the reasons I’m glad Stoya spoke out about this particular incident. An individual consenting to a BDSM relationship doesn’t mean her or she has consented all possible sexual interactions.

As someone who was abused by a prominent member of the BDSM community and deleted my social media accounts because I couldn’t handle seeing him praised as a “feminist”, I’m awed by Stoya’s bravery. I hope she gets all the support she deserves.

Shit. :/

That’s what bothers me most about well-meaning people who suggest that women “withhold” sex until we achieve equality. It just reinforces the toxic and outdated belief that women have sex for men, and not for their own enjoyment. That it’s something men have to wheedle out of women because men are sex-crazed animals,

He should have went with Sex Strike for equal pay, or paid parental leave.

This kind of thinking perpetuates the myth that rape is an act formed from sexual desire, when it actually stems from power and control.

God only knows. Right after the outing post, a recently fired Gawker writer (Adam Weinstein) detailed how the firing process generally worked—writers stay on for a little while afterward, and then their exit is announced as if it was their idea—and that much of the turnover in the last few years had not been

I don’t get it. It’s not a leak if you do it deliberately yourself. Thousands of people post their own nudes and videos to porn sites. What’s so avant garde about this?

I think the most upsetting thing I learned during the fallout from the Gawker Conde Nast outing post this summer was that Lindy was almost certainly fired. It boggles the mind—she was easily one of the best writers Jez has ever had.

She reminds me of this girl I know on Facebook.

See, it’s not really “leaked photos” when you take them yourself with your own damn phone, make a zine out of them yourself and then post them online yourself.*

her typography could use some work.

Oh, another white girls titties. How illuminating. I get the idea behind it but I feel like I’m being constantly pelted with pink areola. Damn tumblr kids, get off my lawn!