That hair seriously got the fuck split out of it.
That hair seriously got the fuck split out of it.
uhhh “too much exercise”?
They are differently worded statements about an orange from someone who is trying to downplay unpleasant side effects from a practice that she enjoys?
But that commenter clarified: “Perhaps I’m wrong, but when you prop them up, you transfer part of their support function onto the mechanical wrap itself.” They weren’t under the impression that the muscles were going totally and completely unused. It’s just faster and easier to say “your unused muscles” than “the…
I think a lot of people aren’t necessarily after the look of just being thinner, but are more into the extreme waist-to-hip/bust ratio thing, and the look of a corset itself.
This is terribly sad. Also, somewhat related is this article where Robert Evans of Cracked read every single issue of Isis’ magazine. (Yes, they have a magazine, and the things you learn in it is stuff you really never hear politicians talking about.)
Right, hasn’t she admitted that she often poses troll questions on TWTR? As you say, it’s “self-parody” or just plain parody.
What is happening. What. I. What. No...
Or is query naive?
But this story has nothing to do with America.
The examples of leftie high-mindedness shooting itself in the foot are not as many as right-wingers are claiming, but they are starting to accumulate. It’s not a pretty sight. Hopefully we’ll see a backlash to the backlash to correct these exaggerations. What a story, man, what a story.
Just do the yoga routine from the P90X workout. Nothing will make you believe less in a god quicker than having Tony Horton whisper-yell at you to be more flexible in your warrior pose.
a positive development. I won’t be satisfied until the only thing whites don’t feel bad doing is sitting in a windowless room reflecting on their privilege.
It speaks well of Davey Blackburn’s character that he has taken a peaceful route in the wake of his wife’s death. I don’t know that many of us that could be so gracious in light of such a tragedy to our families.
I was reading the article, thinking about how none of my male bosses have ever made any sort of sexual advance on me.
For these reasons, I’ve always thought Frances McDormand probably has a pretty great life: she’s EXTREMELY talented and respected, can pretty much pick any role she wants and will likely receive awards/accolades for it, but she’s not exactly a household name and likely doesn’t receive the same level of paparazzi…
Sure, great advice for women -leave your career if you want to find a man.