Mitch Connor

Yeah, my husband is a service academy grad, and I just wanted to throw my hands up and be like its not how this works! It's not how any of this works!

I came here to say this - my husband is a service academy grad, and called bullshit from the start. I feel like all of these candidates are a performance art piece or something.

Anyone who has been through the process, or even close to it, knows that you get an “appointment” to West Point, not a scholarship, and the appointments come (for the most part) from members of Congress, not Generals. So...clearly a lie, and not a very good one.

Not entirely true... there’s a tuition rate and expenses are calculated, they’re just not charged to the students, just the DoD.


My thought exactly ! Like dude, come on. Try just a little harder...

Yeah, you aren’t really offered west point admission. You apply. And you have to have a recommendation from a senator or someone similar.

So, um...West Point does not charge tuition and never has.

Wait, huh? I thought if you could get into West Point it’s free? How would one get a scholarship to a place that's free?

I just have to say, Lorne Michaels’ pissy feud against Frank Zappa was complete garbage. Using Andrew Dice Clay to continue to push that was so weak.

I like her for how shammered she got at the Golden Globes because she did not think she was going to win. She was a hot mess on stage and it was amazing

“As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers. And, of course, many people know the story when I was 14 and I tried to stab someone.”

“As a teenager, I would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers...........And I’m a very different person now.”

You can respect the story without respecting the lunatic he’s become.

So Ben Carson and his imaginary friend “Bob” got into a fight.

Did I wake up in some alternate universe in which presidential candidates WANT people to believe they’ve stabbed someone and hit their mother with a hammer?? I’m losing my mind right?? Are we dead??

Shia says ‘hello'.

Stapleton’s voice blows JT’s away, but JT has so damn much charisma and stage presence that it doesn’t matter.

Really stupid comment but there really are some men who think having lube means they don’t need to spend anytime getting a woman aroused and wet before trying to have intercourse, because they can just quickly lube up. These men are selfish assholes. Better advice would have been: don’t have sex with selfish assholes.

Nobody watch it. Don’t give him ratings. Want to see the train wreck then bit torrent it.