Mitch Connor

I have been waiting forever to use this gif.

I saw the original tweet when I checked my phone at work and thought “oh man this is gonna be great. someone’s gonna pitch a fit.”

I think that every time I make a cup of tea and realise I am, in fact, holding a small crocodile by the tail rather than a tea bag. It’s madness here. I don’t know how we cope.

Wow. Just, wow.

Weird! Not too many years ago, when I was in high school, we all seemed to pride ourselves on knowing old people celebrities. Perhaps we just put more effort into being pretentious back then.

I am sooooo grateful for that. At least my cringe-worthy adolescent manifestos won’t be available to whole world forever. Growing up in public would suck big time.

I’m 28 and mostly feel like an adult. I still have moments of ‘huh...why the hell am I buying kitchen cabinets?’ (Answer: because sufficient kitchen storage is CRITICAL); but yep, I’m an adult. A Woman, no less.

The original post was about how she’s lying because there is no way the business men treated her like shit because she’s Adele, with a little #notallmen mixed in.

Lol, up till now you thought that the magical far-away land with kangaroos hopping around was real? Yeah, it’s right next to Narnia.

And thank G-d we didn’t have YouTube when we were going through that. (I’m only 6 years older than those girls but missed that window. Tech moves fast). #embarrassing

Who still buys pornographic magazines?

Yeah, I’m a bit cynical about the whole thing but anyone who never had a grand “everyone’s a phony” moment didn't fully experience adolescence.

I’m always fascinated by people that regularly get into social media spats. Like where do you find the time and energy... After 2 replies I’m like nah, and ignoring/blocking your ass.

As a person within this age bracket, I appologize. While we may not all be this way, far too many of us are. And it really, really sucks.

I was pretty cynical about Essena’s decleration’s against social media, but now I’m totally on her side. Fuck this noise. If you’ve gone from 15-22 without a week where you try and remove all representation of your former self (including two days ago) in some sort of existential protest about capitalism/feminism/the

Well, this makes me wonder. When *does* one become an adult? Not legally, more like psychologically/spiritually. I’m 35 now, and I haven’t had an easy life, but I don’t think I’ve felt like an adult until really recently. And not all the time. This is the secret of life, right? You always feel like a teenager. I'm

Not only are all four of these people the fakiest fakes, I am starting to doubt that Australia is real.

This whole thing—this episode and the Insta-famous teen world in general—makes Mean Girls look like Romper Room in comparison.

I wish I took a screenshot of your originally shitty post.

Yeah, you probably know more about Adele’s experiences in the music industry than she does. That’s a reasonable position that in no way reinforces the exact point you’re trying to refute.