Mitch Connor

Ugh, had to go listen to the original just to get both covers out of my head. You cannot fake the emotion in that song. It is not about nailing the delivery. I mean, Winehouse certainly had star quality. But her music was impactful because it felt like she meant it. Rhianna’s coaching, and the end product, were about

This is one of the few cases of crowd-funding that I would support. The young lady deserves a new life away from that town.

I just want to THROW THIS OUT THERE, not saying it’s happening in this case, but...I do post-conviction legal work and many many many many many many people plead guilty to child sexual abuse when they are actually innocent. Because of the 90s paranoia about child sexual abuse, it is disturbingly easy to convict

You know I can certainly get behind one of those “Hey, you’re my son/brother/father/uncle/etc. and I still love you BUT . . .” but what is going on here is just simply bizarro land kind of mess. These people seriously need to check themselves.

Right, she had jazz phrasing, not r&b or pop phrasing. Taking jazz phrasing and putting it into a different genre is one of the things that made her exciting.

What rape culture? I’m just not seeing it... *Burns all the things*

And being a community volunteer (dollars to donuts he taught fucking Sunday school) is not unusual because it’s instant access to the vulnerable members of society: disabled, children, elderly. This should shock no one.

Support for person’s alleged to have committed sexual assault is often weirdly strong. I’m a criminal defense attorney and I’m always surprised when family members band around the dad who rapes his kids, etc. Actually, I almost never get calls from family members in any other kind of crime but I almost always get

So he “helped out in hospitals” abroad? Hospitals with children in them, by any chance? He was also a junior deacon at his local church. With a propensity for “youth counseling” perhaps?

I’ve sung Amy while busking on the street literally for my next pathetic excuse for a meal. I love Rihanna, LOVE her...But I don’t want to see a bunch of millionaires and/or teenagers making a mockery of one of the most beautifully dark artists of all time.

Nope! Nope, nope, absolutely not. I was cringing the whole time she went for that note.

There are certain artists whose songs should never be covered. Amy Winehouse is one of them.

I know it can be incredibly hard to move when you’re poor but OH GOD SOMEONE HELP GET THIS GIRL AWAY FROM THIS TOWN.

It’s shit like this that makes victims not speak up and report their crimes. I thought I had it rough, but this poor girl has an entire town after her. She needs to move the fuck away from there and never look back.


Impressive? Are we watching the same video?

Oh, wow...they were both awful. Really awful. Singing Amy Winehouse is a gamble and you're bound to lose. Even a good singer is going to sound bland and sad compared to her.

what a bunch of assholes! I’m glad you got away from that shit. fuck all them.