Mitch Connor

What an incredibly tedious person and story. Thank you for the 50,000 words dedicated to this utter non-event.

Private security guards aren’t on-duty cops.

You will get roofied.

You will get roofied.

The security guys aren’t there for the convenience of the city at large or for a fight that happened at least a block away.

Her own version of the events is poking holes in the story she posted on Tumblr. She and a friend were in a fight with a couple, she maced them, and then got indignant when the bar they happened to be in front of wanted nothing to do with their noise? It seems like she has a massive chip on her shoulder, what with

Holy god, look at how long this post is.

Second this. An 18 year old trying to be honest and less shallow is fallible and naive so we all shit on her? Peak Jezebel right here.

I want to snark and make some silly comment about how I’m renouncing my internet presence for a more serious life of scholarly contemplation and that I’m actually a 75-year-old married housewife, etc...

Because unfortunately that’s what Jezebel has been doing since whatever the fuck switch happened about a year and a half ago. Now we tear women down whenever we can to make ourselves feel more superior. Much more like Gawker, actually...

Agreed. If it’s overwrought, let’s cut her some slack—she’s a kid. Most of us were like that at 18.

i read through all her pictures last night and am proud of her insight, but she’s still totally a teenager and will probably cringe even at the edited captions in a few years

Plus, didn’t they find his DNA under her finger nails, just not in her underwear or in the vaginal area?

I raged when I heard it, and not just because I’m a huge Hawks fan. How much do you have to not give a fuck about rape victims to use it the same way you’d use a yo momma joke.

This article slightly misunderstood the news. It’s not that white, poor Americans are dying more than everyone else. It’s that their death rate is increasing more rapidly than anyone else. POC still have higher death rates than whites, but their death rate isn’t changing as rapidly as white Americans. (Probably

It occurred to me that Fox News might make this a regular feature of their “war on white people” to tide them over until the “war on Christmas” can start up again.

The choice to include a stock image of a fretful affluent-looking couple for this article was a little odd.

this is sad, but not surprising: opioid painkiller addiction is rampant among this population, and it’s barely reported on.