Mitch Connor

OMG, that is appalling.

You need to be ungreyed.

Nicki Minaj is a successful, popular rapper. She is 32 and was born in Trinidad but grew up in the US. She has a social media presence and often comments on issues like assault, racism, misogyny, and transphobia.

Also, fuck her - she did THIS which is far more disgustingly offensive.

You can be horrified and laugh about it at the same time.

While fallon does excessively get drunk I don’t think its problem per say. Sure years of heavy drinking can be bad for your organs that’s a given but from what i read he’s a happy drunk but i think he’s a bit too old to be drinking like a college frat boy.

Of course he drinks. He is Irish and at the top of the heap in his career. Self hatred and self sabotage are par for the course when you are raised Irish. You hear from the time you are little that you are not special and that you shouldn’t think you are. You are shamed and made to feel like God is watching you and

I do believe in what might be called a “qualified ultimatum”, probably in line with what you refer to as a frank discussion but with consequences being clearly stated. I also feel though, that they should be used sparingly and you MUST be prepared to leave. There are probably only a handful of situations where they

I wish she would record *four* satanic trance-pop albums over a 4-day weekend, wherein she utterly destroys Luke and Sony, then sue them for breach of contract if they won’t release them. Ke$ha, I will co-produce for free- get in touch with me.

Because the other women associated with his creative venture, who are very powerful, wealthy, and not shy about speaking to the media about potentially controversial issues – I’m thinking particularly of Pink – have never spoken an ill word about him? Because as you point out the story is of recent vintage and has not

80? Wow. I feel like I’ve loved and admired this woman my whole life.

I adore her and am excited to read this. The dedication to the book is amazing, too.

Halle Berry and her divorce aside (celeb divorces are almost as boring as celeb babies), it must be super annoying to remember to have to wear your wedding rings every day, or face speculation on the imminent demise of your marriage. I forget to wear my rings all the time, particularly on the weekends. I take them off

I have a sordid history of picking guys I REALLY shouldn’t have, but I also have a history of not leaving as soon as I should have as well. There’s usually fault on both sides, even if the fault is in perpetuating a relationship past its best before date. I agree that everyone should be responsible for their own

There are only two people who can speak on the end of this marriage and none of them are you. To so quickly point her out as the sole problem is ridiculous.

Damn you. I was feeling bad for her then your gifs made me scream out loud laughing.

I think we did. As did the rest of the world.

I’ ve always been weary of the supernatural, anxious to find a reason behind the phenomenon, if only to keep myself from getting too scared. I have no logical explanation for what happens in my house. When we moved in, my oldest was 2. His bedroom closet has a small door in the back leading to the attic. My husband

@Yoko “Now imagine colliding. Picture the cerise majesty that is your life blood streaming in ribbons from your broken noses, covering the undulating golden sheaves in sanguine glory. Exchange insurance information. Ask the plastic surgeon if he can make you nose twinsies. Realize that had you been wearing your