Mitch Connor

No one says it has to be 50/50. Personally, I’d be satisfied with even 20/80. The problem is that right now, outside of media specifically focused on men’s issues, it is basically 0/100. Rarely is it ever talked about and there are few places for men to go when they’re struggling with domestic or sexual violence.

Dead Women Can’t Vote

Yeah that is the perfect gif for all this.

Oh, Meryl. Really didn’t think that one through, huh?

Americans really do think they’re the centre of the universe.

Hmm, I’m really disappointed that the controversy of the casts wearing those shirts wasn’t a separate post by itself here at Jezebel.

Yeeeah, people are trying to justify the quote (which is from Emmeline Pankhurst, Streep’s character in the film) by saying she wasn’t talking about THAT kind of slavery, but the slavery of being unable to vote. But the issue here is obviously that she thought her plight as a white woman that wasn’t allowed to vote

“I would like to be as brave as that,” Carey Mulligan agreed.

That was an amazing response from HBC!

I halfway disagree with you both. There is a difference between planned versus spur of the moment, but the difference isn’t that great. To me the article made it sound like the unplanned affair is akin to “we just happened to be alone and then we tripped and ‘whoops!’ it just slipped in!”. View as a points on a line,

I mean, I don’t think I could stay with a cheater, but it’s a little weird to make such an unequivocal statement when there are certainly situations where people have stayed with cheaters and it’s been the right decision for them.

there’s a big difference between getting caught up in a moment and having a months-long affair”

I completely disagree. You can’t ‘accidentally’ cheat. It’s a conscious decision not only to act on your feelings, but to allow yourself to feel the feelings. A faithful partner who starts feeling inappropriate feelings for

This. A million times this. She didn’t “steal your man”. He’s not a houseplant. He got up and went of his own volition.

Because absolutes are always the best advice, right?

You forgot #6 Be prepared to go to court and repay her for her belongings. (It turns out being mad does not give you a right to destroy the property of the person you are mad at.)

What NOT to do? Don’t be one of those women who displaces all the anger they should feel toward their partner, onto “the other woman” or, even worse, blames the other woman for the fact that their partner cheated. It’s just more bullshit that women do to let men off the hook and that lets get away with the shit they

ugh that 5a. is such a fucking pain in the ass for girls who never cheat. Guys can be such babies about it.

ETA: UGH and women get cheated on too blah blah I get it okay

So is he saying that these mass murders are committed by children that come from single parent/absentee father homes and in order to prevent these tragedies we should ban abortion and thus create more single parent/absentee father homes?

I blame everything on single mothers and abortion. Including the good stuff.

Republicans will protect your rights if you’re: