It’s MiltonBerlesCock.
It’s MiltonBerlesCock.
Right, exactly, and that’s a legitimate criticism. This post seems to be taking issue with the idea that Sorkin isn’t thinking “womanwomanwoman” the whole time he’s writing for a female character, or something.
showing the audience what the character wants, and then showing how they act upon that is how you should write characters for the screen the majority of the time. What Sorkin described sounds like a great process in the ideal.
I certainly get why he has criticism leveled at him for the way he presents women, but I don’t really see that this particular incident is particularly telling or damning, to be honest. The section you’ve bolded is especially not problematic to me. Writing female characters like they’re real, fully formed PEOPLE is…
A woman’s life is worth nothing unless she’s making a great man greater.
Why is it OK for you to decide for all women how it’s acceptable for them to style their hair?
Bangs cut off your face, your wonderful, beautiful face,
alternately, bangs hide my forehead. my horrible, tall and expansive forehead.
“Bangs cut off your face, your wonderful, beautiful face, and make you look childlike and sad, all at the same time.”
There’s currently a burgeoning and very self-righteous movement that claims that the media “encourages mass shootings” by writing about the shooters or exploring their motives.
we all were raised with those awful messages. the good ones figure out what the bullshit is instead of doubling down on it. good on you.
Isn’t there a valid point to be made about the media encouraging mass shooters, though? I agree that we can’t completely ignore them and their motives, but this guy seemed to want the fame that would come with being a mass shooter, and we gave it to him. I was watching some news show the other day, and they played the…
Overly simplistic. Guns obviously play a major role, especially in regards to how many people can be killed in a short time. But the idea that toxic masculinity, bullying, mental health, and misogyny do not play vital and critical roles in these tragic events exposes a bias and agenda that time and time again have…
stories like this always freak me out, because long ago, as an angry young man, I too raged at the world about why I was single, trying to blame something else other than my own bullshit.
Are we really so far from the ‘80s that we can’t recognize a coke nail?
Don’t touch other people without permision. Don’t Touch Other People Without Permission. DON’T TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE WITHOUT PERMISSION!
I have a feeling I’ll be in the grays, but I’ve got all sorts of beauty talk to share!
The whole idea of parents basically making a reality show out of their children’s lives doesn’t really sit well with me.
I find this particular situation really weird, too. I mean, I find death in the context of celebrity worship odd anyway, but this is doubly so. If you look at the family’s FB page (and as the article also mentioned) the family hasn’t said *anything* about his death. The flowery declarations of love by their tween fans…
Well, for me it would depend on potential resale value. $4000 is a lot of money! I would probably dig through trash for an hour to keep from losing several grand!