Mitch Connor

I think all people should work in the service industry at some point in their life. I'm surprised that Paris left a good tip bc honestly, I have this assumption that rich ppl just don't get it so that was reassuring to read. I've been out with ppl who don't tip well and I felt compelled to tip more on their behalf

he is adorable. I might even watch SNL.

My second fav about Chris Pratt is, he is married to adorable Anna Farris.

Eh, modern Simpsons is a totally different show than 10-15 years ago. The tone, the topics, types of jokes, the overall way they handle things. (emotional moments tend to be forced and drawn out, and have little to no impact, usually because of poor setup) There is even some definite Family Guy influence, though it

To me, it's just stupid insensitivity. Because even if the person who sent the tweet was only thinking "this is her most well known line from her most well known role," there IS baggage attached that white privilege lets white people ignore. I had to stop and think (as a white person trying to be a good ally) about

I so agree. It is just creepy for that to be on the Simpsons.

This episode makes me bawl like a baby. EVERY.DAMN.TIME.

That's when the show was funny, worthwhile, and had something to say. It hasn't been that way for a very long time.

Hey, remember that time when Family Guy didn't exist and Seth McFarlane wasn't being paid to make jokes on the Oscars about sexual assault?

Seriously! I went to a super small college that had LOCAL sororities (ie not national ones that you would have heard of...totally just MADE UP little nothing sororities) and this sounds like the same non-hazing "hazing" we had. I mean really...sleepless nights, cold forks...THE HORROR!

Jewelled fanny pack camel toe????

So much of this is terrible but my inner five-year-old is like

So, uh, long story short, nobody got hurt. Except this one chick cried her eyes out, because while she knew it would be tough to join that sorority she did it anyways because *hairflip*. I know hazing is a serious issue, but this story isn't an example of that. Yes, hazing is a crime. Being mean is not. But it is

None of these "hazing" rites seem anything more than typical sorority annoyances. Picking sisters up at 3am? Being "tricked" by having someone put a cold fork on your back? Learning sorority history and staying up super late? Making "perfect paddles"? Annoying, pointless, and probably a total pain in the ass? Yes. Out

I hate to be that girl, but is there a gluten free option for the nothing burger?

the examples of alleged hazing in the previous article were really out there and are things that exist in pornos and straight to dvd college movies... these "hazing" allegations are completely different. what changed? these new "hazing" allegations don't even constitute being called hazing.

You don't get it Red, they were touched by a cold fork. A COLD FORK! And someone told them it was going to be hot, but it wasn't!

This honestly sounds pretty meh compared to other, much worse things sororities do to their pledges. I thought you'd have more dirt, really.

Jealously is an ugly thing. I briefly dated a guy who had a horrible jealous streak (he thought I wad sleeping with one of my gay friends.) It's absolutely not healthy to be that jealous.

none of that sounds like hazing to me... maybe the hazing on porn hub has got me all confused.