Mitch Connor

Wow, guys, this conspiracy goes really deep. /s

Sandler left waaaaaaaay before Forte joined.

The funny thing about that to me is that, though it’s not commonly used this way, infant can refer to minor children, and I’m betting that’s how the judge was using it ... so, like, yeah ...


what did chris evans do???

Yes! This guy! I haven’t watched his talk but I have heard about that. Total boss.


Yeah, I’m not saying this justifies his actions. My instinct is to say this is none of my business, though the fact that he’s making it so public isn’t doing him any favors. I just see a lot of responses here that just kind of assume dudes can pop out babies whenever they please. There’s definitely less of a firm

I think it’s very, very unlikely for most of them, but there’s always that small chance that you have a cut in your mouth or something. Also, if there’s a good chance you’ve been exposed to HIV, can’t you limit the chances you’ll develop the infection by immediately taking drugs? Source: That episode of Law and Order:

I think it has a lot to do with where you live. I’ve lived in NYC all my adult life and get cat called somewhat regularly, as do pretty much all my lady friends. And just neighborhood to neighborhood within NY it seems to vary a lot. One neighborhood I lived in it was, like, every other block any time I was walking


I think his uncle got it right: he’s a loser. And he had a chip on his shoulder and a supremely shitty brother.

Agree. There are lots of people who have done terrible things who I would not mind hearing about being put to death in very terrible ways. When I read what the guy in OK did who had the ‘inhumane*’ execution, I honestly stopped feeling bad about the possibility of his suffering.

Yeah ... do not see this getting far ...

Also, this must have happened in the Ukraine, right? Like, where is she suing? I guess if they both live in CA now she can sue in CA?

He told her they were using puppy embryos. That’s my best guess.

Independent research, I believe, probably to look into long term effects.

I have never heard these claims, but I’ll take your word for it.

Reddit is intense about circumcision. Someone posted a picture of a circumcision protest on r/funny the other day. Half of the responses were about how evil circumcision is, and the other half were some variation on: