It’s quite a stretch even to assume this individual has a wife in the first place.
It’s quite a stretch even to assume this individual has a wife in the first place.
The bit’s still lame.
I found this unfunny to the greatest extent something can be unfunny.
I have a hard time believing a grown man has to beg for video games. Yeah I know times are tough but $60 isn’t a huge investment.
It's funny you mention that. I was thinking about this same thing the other day. I honestly have not met a couple like this. I only read about it on Reddit or some random article and see it portrayed in movies or TV shows. I've never met a couple that acts like this.
It is exactly that. Unfunny and sad.
Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.
Secret fight club my ass. 70% of my invasions have been to shitty fight clubs. I’m here to murder the host and get my stupid tongue not play nice.
I’m in! Sooo much fun. Still some frustration at times but I commend Blizzard for creating a fun, easy to play, hard to master team FPS for all gamers.
2014 - Terrible year for games. One of the worst, EVER.
No mention for Ratchet and Clank?
Watch Overwatch’s shtick be like, shoes instead.
I’ve been playing largely on my own and am not bored with it yet, but I understand why others might run out of steam quicker. Blizzard says there is more coming, though, and they have a very good track record of post-launch support, so I’m hopeful.
Just have to say Green Monkie’s entry was visually fantastic. (And I kinda wish it won).
For many years I worked as a CM for a game developer, we used to recieve threats all the time, most we were able to write off as overzealous fans lashing out.
Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.
This is just ridiculous.... I mean it’s a game for fuck’s sake and i love games as much as the next guy/gal, but really? Are these really adult people? How do they even function in society is probably the bigger question.
Last Wednesday, I reported that No Man’s Sky had been delayed. For two days, up until the game’s developers…
I love it my only gripe was getting boxes. It seems like I’ll have to spend a ton to actually get them instead of earning them.
I may be in the minority here, but I’m gonna test the waters. Does anybody feel like Overwatch is a run-of-the-mill multiplayer fps that has a really shiny exterior? I played the BETA and it was fun for a bit, but what is giving this game so much hype?