
This is awesome! I hope we see more of this in the game industry. Everyone should be able to play a game and enjoy themselves.

I found the combat mildly clunky, but really at the end of the day I just found Geralt himself completely insufferable. It’s not a criticism of the larger franchise by any means, but there was just something about the character as presented in 2 that I personally found deeply unappealing. Friends have told me he’s

“Audiences are not stupid,” writes the commenter, as the joke flies over their head. ;)

Kotaku is becoming DS3: The Website and I’m loving it. I feel a little bad for everybody who isn’t in on the action.

I will never understand the lack of grasp one must have on reality to blame it all on the developers. Nobody makes dickheads act like dickheads. Still a decision they made all by themselves.

All games have issues (sadly). Don’t ruin what is good with your BS.

While From does not get a free pass on their coding issues, it takes a really unpleasant asshole to spend hours ruining other people’s free time.


Dark Souls 3 comes out and you call it a weak month.. Yeah okayyyyyyyy.

You should skip ahead to 3 and double back for 1, 2, demon souls, Bloodborne later. Those games are amazing when the community’s still hot and new, they are still fun later on down the line but not quite as great.

Dark Souls its not about the story, its an experience. I recommend DS1 because its a darn good game, but it’s not necessary to appreciate Dark Souls 3.

no need. you can enjoy them as separate games with their own sets of challenges.

for some people the difficulty makes the rest of the game though, you have to remember that. Without the difficulty, nothing is as interesting to some people, sort of me included. I don’t care to explore if theres no risk. I don’t care to read lore if I don’t have to do anything to get/access it. I don’t care about

It’s a niche game, driven to the west by a core audience of people that have devoted tons of time and dedication to it. Now that it’s got a semblance of mainstream popularity, you get folks crying that they need to be catered to as well. It’s silly and childish, of course fans will get upset about that.

I started with Bloodborne. I blight it along with a PS4 last December. Tried to get into it, didn’t quite get it. Same with DS1 before that, tried and didn’t get it. I set BB aside.

The losing souls is like an Old School MMO, you died and you left behind a corpse. You lost Experience Points, you had to get to your corpse in a certain amount of time or lose All your equipment, items, money...everything.

There’s a lot of things like that, mostly TV or Movies I watched and hated it or loved it right away...until I really thought about it. And my opinion would change a bit here and there until that movie I loved I realize isn’t good at all or that show I thought was boring was incredibly deep once I gave it a chance to

Huh. I get that same feeling back every time I start a new souls game. Having the entire world at your fingertips that you know absolutely nothing about, does it for me.

It’s kind of funny. Generally, it seems like new games tend to get reviewed with a dose of charity, only to tarnish as the initial rush wears off - Dragon Age: Inquisition and Fallout 4 being two fairly recent examples of games that were initially lauded, only for a sizable critical backlash to occur.

Bloodborne was my first and is my favorite Souls game. I’ve gone on to play the others and am currently loving DkS3, but NG+ continues to be enjoyable in Bloodborne. I’m on NG+9 on my primary character and have started another so I can go through the chalice content again fresh and there are constantly new things to