
The tires were shot for being black and running away.

“Homes with pregnant women and children will get higher priority.”

I keep hearing that Democrats spend more and Republicans spend less. It ain’t true: Democrats just happen to spend more efficiently, and for the safety of the people.

Good. Then, It will be less people to try or/and hang.

Actually, the main reason she was elected was because she was pushing to find out the truth about the state of the water. She’s spent her entire time in office trying to fix this — and being ignored.

He was also easily the biggest hypocrite running, which is saying quite a lot.

Regarding your first point, this is my all-time favorite quote regarding Libertarianism (to the best of my admittedly limited research the attribution is accurate)

Because they redistribute the hair (“wealth”) uniformly?

God, thank you for drawing this link between the Pauls, “libertarianism,” and what I’ve always thought I was the only person to refer to as “South Park politics.”

Any similar photos of Cam’s 4-so-far sacks?

Am I the only one hearing some guy let out a sustained moan everytime Denver’s offense goes to the line of scrimmage?

Women’s health isn’t important. Making sure we have an ample supply of repressed, drunk and drug-addicted gay men and women is very important for the maintenance of religious hypocrisy.

Don't forget the debate about birth control being covered by insurance.

I’m a little surprised to find that it was ever covered by insurance.

That’s what happens when you love control more than your own children.

I try not to judge other parents, cause parenting is hard. But if you put your kid in conversion therapy I judge you. You are a shit parent.

I’m Mexican born and raised and naturalized American, every poll I have read (I am also an statistician, I love polls) puts the Latino support on HIllary’s side by far. Most of the Latinos I know like her better than Bernie, granted, it’s because they don’t know Bernie (mas vale malo por conocido..) but those are the

That is one reason why I am supporting Hillary. Because she is a fighter. She is a pit bull, but she is our pit bull (and I mean that in a nice way). In dealing with republicans, Barack Obama was the carrot, and now Hillary will be the stick.

Jokes on them, breadsticks are free.

Experience AND a chance to build their cheer leading portfolio, which they can use to show off their work when they finally enter the high paid world of professional cheer leading. Oh wait.