So much for Ford’s vetting process, and giving the car to people that are going to drive it.
That’s a shitload of downforce.
Counterpoint: This is NOT what we should do with the old cars.
thirty-nine thousand pounds of Cocaine
Let me drop a little lawyer on you:
Q: You’re 70 now?
A: That’s correct
Q: So, we’re to believe you’re a gentle-driving retiree, is that it?
A: Why, yes, sonny, that’s right.
Don’t care. This is a Rich Whyte people problem.
Tesla is ahead of schedule. They weren’t expecting to blow up in China for a couple more years.
*Reads headline. Immediately starts scrolling to vote “CP”. Pauses for just a moment to notice the 3 pedals and stick. Shakes it off, scrolls and clicks CP.
I’ve read this twice and I’m still not entirely sure what the point of this rant is. That people prefer comfort food over new stuff? Well, sure. That’s been the case since TV began. (And I’ll always have a Law & Order on when I’m doing chores.) Netflix wants people to stay home and watch Netflix? Well, duh. It’s hard…
Look at my keyboard; it has 104 buttons of all kinds of size and shape; they are very closely spaced; they are sensitive to the touch; yet I managed to type this message without screwing up. Hello, Mercedes, you have found your next driver!
Here’s the Toyota Supra Face before you’re supposed to see it.
You should make it a LOT more clear immediately that this isn’t a James May video.
When asked about the possibility of selling a similar version of the 370Z, Nissan officials responded by saying “Wait, what the hell is a 370Z?”
Huh. I was sure they'd issue Bonds.