
I love how that suit recalls the white spy suit, and the thick gold necklace recalls the lasso. Good costuming there.

I fucking KNOW “hope” starts with “H” asshole...

According to Entertainment Weekly, Constance Zimmer will play a major recurring role in the show’s third season—playing the head of a secret organization on the lookout for Inhumans that crosses paths with Coulson and SHIELD.

Oh my god can I have that white powersuit Wonder Woman is rocking in that picture?


I’ve officially crossed over from shaking my head sadly to hysterical laughter at every new bit of information over this. More, I say! PUT MORE PEOPLE IN IT! Like the great song from the epic film Streets of Fire tells us: “THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH GOING NOWHERE, BABY/BUT WE SHOULD BE GOING NOWHERE FAST!” Let’s

Even if true, this doesn’t necessarily mean she’ll be suiting up as Batgirl in the movie; she may just be there in there to set her up for future Bat-movies or maybe even an eventual movie of her own.

I like to think the Adam West Batman, rather than being inspired by the murder of his parents and the need to strike fear into criminals, was inspired by Batwoman’s act of daring-do in rescuing them.

Okay I did like her and Maggie in this, that was cute. <3

I particularly like the smiling young Bruce after Batwoman saves his family. The idea that Bruce Wayne could be a normal cheerful kid...who’s maybe even inspired by heroism rather than tortured by death...that’s refreshing.

I suspect there would be one, but one that started as Ball Boy

The true highlight was the hook for the next issue though. Don’t want to spoil it, but I can’t wait to see how that plays out.

“The Soul Gem will be behind Dr. Strange’s powers.”

Their greatest enemy, studio IP lawyers
