
Oh, let me also be clear that I don’t care about his dick size. It’s the lying that gets to me.

I went into Civil War basically indifferent towards the character, and walked out completely blown away by Boseman’s portrayal and anxious for the solo movie to get here ASAP.

Chadwick Boseman is amazing as Black Panther, I’m really psyched for his solo movie.

Best comment, everyone go home.

Well, it's not like they got anything else right.

Photo of the security guard in question.

“On set...for gods of Egypt”

Tilda Swinton playing Black Panther but she’s Asian and speaks Xhosa.

Just because pedantism is a well-honored tradition around here, I feel the need to point out that Wakanda, in fact, is not an island nation. It is an isolationist nation and therefore could be, I guess, considered a island politically, but ‘island nation’ isn’t usually a term used in such an instance.

Pedro Pascal as “Jack Daniels” in Kinsgman II - probably the best thing I’ll see on the internet today

That’d be rad. And I really like Antonia Thomas. She was sadly underused in Misfits yet such a delight and a pretty solid talent.

Been done before

In all fairness, she does travel with an unregistered foreign national that can teleport. Can we REALLY trust her?

Dammit Marvel! If you wanted to make a Ant Man and Wasp movie you should have made the first one that! Not push Carol back!

It’s not a direct yes or no, and about as loose as Watts can be about Morales’ place in the MCU but an interesting response.

oh no you did NOT shoot that green shit at me!

I’m guessing he's the groddance counselor.

If there isn’t an episode titled “Grodduation Day” I will be disappoint.