
I liked Lowel. He had way more chemistry with Liv than Major does.

Morgan, hold still, you got some stuff and things in your ear.

One lesson we learned in season one is that the show is better when Ravi is in more of it.

Spiderman, the Musical: Turn off the White

He would be translucent if he was any whiter.

So disappointed it's yet another bland white dude. If you’re rebooting the same character for the third time in under 15y, put an interesting spin on it?

They've certainly picked a white enough Spidey.

Agreed, it’s just exhausting to have 3 different attempts at the character within a 1.5 decade period.

I don’t know what to think of the fact that the movie will be directed by a guy who’s done a lot of work at The Onion.

The director choice surprised me (it was already clear they were going for a British teen as Peter). He makes the other indie directors considered look like seasoned pros. He has made a lousy horror movie and a Sundance favorite that hasn’t come out yet. Jeez, it only takes the slightest spark of talent to get a

“We need another spiderman reboot!” - no filmgoer ever.

SO TV show writers of an incredibly well-received show...

A “reasonable” Beyoncé rumor cannot possibly exist when it comes to involvement with the MCU

Marvel is looking for a role for music star Beyoncé in a future Avengers movie.

Is this Russian for “bad Photoshop”?

Last I heard, he’d been defeated again. This time at Winterfell … and this time for good.”

I’m ok with this.

Bendis and Pichelli! Reunited at last!! Ahhh, I love her art, and they complement each other so well.

What was considered good in 1991 most definitely isn’t considered good today. Time to redesign the redesign.

Very Donna Troy