
I really like how Kit understands the nuances of playing a character where most of the dialog is in his head. Many people don’t care for Jon on the show. It’s been difficult to get Jon to show up on the screen because of how all his chapters are inner monologues. He doesn’t have fancy dragons, or KL politics. All he

Just wish the actress looked like that. I guess it is too much to ask for an African looking or *gasp* actual African to play Storm.

Mohawk Storm is the best Storm!

I’m so happy the io9 family seems to embracing Hannibal this season. It really is a truly extraordinary show.

Hoping it’s Ward...I wouldn’t mind if he was demoted to guest star. Heck, they can demote him completely off the show for all I care.

Hey Mack! I heard you’re a series regu-

Simmons was such a great addition for season two. I remember really hoping Mack would somehow become Luke Cage.

Henry Simmons’s Mack has been promoted to series regular for season three.

One thing’s for sure about Agents of SHIELD season 3... someone’s getting choked out.

Ooh, Red Hulk... make it happen! Just hope it’s not too convoluted of a story, as comics can be sometimes. It’ll be good to see Hurt reprise his role as General Ross.

Oh goodness, Hannibal’s back tonight? Cant. Frickin. Wait.

I would love to respond to your idea, but first let me tell you about this 10 layer chocolate cake I’m having.

Here I thought you were going to say “abbreviated story telling.”
Because that is what this show is doing way better than he is in the books.

Kinda old. But He would be perfect for an “mature” James T. Kirk.

Laverne Cox as Wonder Woman

And he has just the right amount of militant asshole-ism for the job! ++++

I never thought of Gina Torres doing Wonder Woman, that would be quite awesome. She’d also make a good Hippolyta I think.