
Early in season one of the television series there was a joke about Fitz wanting a helper monkey. So now he has one :)

I thought it was one of those fake trailers at the beginning of Tropic Thunder 2. Which I would watch the 1000x btw. But alas.....

I'm hoping the rumors of him having a cameo in AOU are true.

Yeah in the end it felt like they gave Trip the Walking Dead treatment: finally give a character significant screen time only to kill them off in the same damn episode. I might not be as annoyed if he'd been given more to do all along.

OMG how could I forget Carol! She makes that show worth watching.

I was going to say the exact same thing about Ward. I agree about Skye also. I can actually tolerate her this season. Hopefully she'll continue to until improve.

Also there is a lot of dry humor to the Jessica Jones character. Ritter isn't my first choice but she can pull that off well.

I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed. I'm not a huge Ritter fan. But if this means we're getting Mike Colter as Luke Cage I'll take it. He's fantastic on The Good Wife.

I couldn't agree more. I'm a Spike Lee fan but he always has the potential to be a PR nightmare. You wouldn't really get that with Rock but would still get thoughtful racial commentary in a nuanced way.

Can't believe I forgot about him. He'd be a great choice! I'm still pulling for Antoine Fuqua. He does good action with great character work. But Gray is definitely my second choice now.

Seriously! Over the last two episodes Abbie and Jenny have been better witches than Katrina since episode one.

LOL that's what I was thinking. When actors openly campaign in this way do they ever get selected for the role? I wonder how often stuff like this actually works, especially for people not already on a studio's radar.

Yeah I've heard the Madam Hydra theory too. That would also be cool. It would make sense to have some threat of Hydra especially since it's still a big part of Agents of Shield. It needs to be May already, I want to see this movie!

If Claudia Kim is playing Suzi Endo I'm cool with it if she gets her own armor and becomes Cybermancer. That could explain why revealing the character now would be spoilery. Marvel definitely needs more lady superheroes. Ooh or maybe she becomes some version of Rescue?

Actually there are several storylines with infighting amongst the Amazons that they could expand for a film. One of my favorites is Hippolyta's sister during the early George Perez run. Antiope eventually takes half of the Amazon nation with her to Greece. There may also be a storyline where those Amazons are exiled

I really want it to be Charlize Theron too. But now I'm afraid Marvel may want to cast younger by the time the film rolls around in 4 years. She will be in the same age range as RDJ was in the first Iron Man and she's about the same age as Chadwick Boseman. Hopefully they keep that in mind. I think she would be an

THIS x1000

I know.

I could maybe see Amy Poheler in an EPA-like role. But I agree, I don't see her as a ghostbuster.

That is now my new favorite fan casting and it is all I want!