
Yes Aisha Tyler! But please give her something more to do than poor Winston got.

I'm not crazy about Sherri Shepherd's acting but YES to Octavia Spencer. She's funny in even the smallest roles. I also would love to see Retta as the new "Janine". She would be hilarious.

Yeah she was great in Bridesmaids. Hopefully Paul Feig can bring a more nuanced performace from her if she's in it. After Bridesmaids and The Heat I trust him to do a good job no matter who he casts.

I agree. They can take this opportunity on the show to completely reimagine any villain from the comics they choose. While I don't mind Ra's al Ghul being on Arrow I would like to see villains we haven't seen yet on tv or in films. I thought Arrow did a great job with Dollmaker. I hope they continue to develop more of

The link in this post is to Variety's article in June. Is there a more recent story? Otherwise this isn't anything new.

I noticed a difference within a few days. My headaches calmed way down ( I would say 2 or 3 rather than 7/10). Also, anytime I cheat my headaches flare up within a couple of hours. I have chronic migraine/persistent daily headache. It's tough to do when I don't always have time to pack lunch for work or get to the

Absolutely. When I began having chronic migraines a doctor suggested an elimination diet including eliminating wheat and gluten. I could tell the difference almost immediately. Anytime I cheat I definitely pay the price. I'm also sensitive to dairy although I don't have allergies to either of them.

Thank you! I thought it was just me. She's obviously talking about bringing the characters to life on screen. I guess some people need things spelled out for them. WTF...

"Lady hero stage fright" is now my new favorite phrase ever.

My childhood is so happy this didn't happen.

Well that's the point, isn't it? This is a fictional world so.....................

Yup. His talking points have just finally caught up to what people have been saying for years. He gets no points for this.

I remember my boyfriend at the time being so mad about that after we saw the movie. He was a huge Steven Segal fan. I just kept laughing at the way they sucked his ass out of the plane lol.

Yeah that's what I thought. Her character details are being kept hush hush so I guess people keep forgetting she's in the movie.

Yeah I hope Marvel continues with the Brian Wood storyline. I've really been enjoying it. I would like the story stay based in between the movies of the original trilogy.

That just means you have to go back and see it a second time :D

This was the preview panel that made me start buying the comic. Hilarious!

I was trying to figure out why he doesn't have Mjolnir in that pic. I guess this explains it.

That's what I was thinking. Gotham Academy sounds like it can be similar in tone to Young Avengers or Avengers Academy which were both good (YA more so). I'll give it a try. Arkham Manor sounds a little wierder to me. I have to hear a little bit more before I make up my mind.

We need a support group!