
I hear you. I have a smaall apartment and my second longbox is almost full with comics. And I had to get creative with stacking books as "decoration" lol. I can't fit another bookcase in there :(

You are not the only person I've heard make that joke. At least you'll have company when you go :)

That is awesome. I can only imagine what your shelves must look like. I haven't collected any yet because I know once I start I won't be able to stop. But I might have to give in to these. How can I not have a slime covered Venkman?

That's what I was thinking. They could make May Peter's cousin or some other relative.

I was trying to think of who's missing from this list and it's Scarlet Spider! I wonder why he's not part of this group, he's pretty cool.

Yeah I'm a little disappointed from what I've heard in the trailers. Bradley does usually great impressions and voices so I was expecting something a little more distinct. Hopefully it'll will seem better upon viewing the entire film. But so far that's been the only negative point, otherwise the film looks great.

Yes, I read Annihilation a few months ago and it was fantastic. I've been reading some of the old Guardians series as well and it really has me excited. I'll have to check out the Thanos Imperative.

I loved that line, couldn't stop laughing!

I definitely noticed it when I saw the movie. It's a split second but you see Zachary and Chris getting ready to laugh. The camera cuts away really quickly so I figured that line got a big laugh from them. But I didn't realize it was improvised, I thought they were laughing at Simon's delivery- which makes the line

I believe Diane Lane will be back as well. If the Jenny character is back that makes at least 4 female roles in BvS.

Blue Light is also where he lost me. I may give this a try.

I agree. There is no way they could ever fix every continuity issue. But I love the films (overall) enough to overlook some things. And I loved those cameos at the end!

Exactly! And I tend not to freak out too much over set photos. Costumes look very different on the big screen.

One recent rumor going around is that Carol Danvers will show up in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Also, Katte Sackhoff said a few months back that Marvel contacted her reps about her availability for the early part of this year (and we know AOG just started filming). Who knows if any of it is true but a girl can dream!

Wow, that is a really good choice! I would never have thought of that but Tom Mison would be a fantastic choice. And since he's a relative newcomer I'm sure he'd fit in Marvel's notoriously frugal budget.

I don't have any but I think they're adorable. I got a Wonder Woman for my niece and she loves it. Now I definitely plan on getting a Zoe. And maybe Shepherd.

I like the way your friend thinks :)

Rhodey still had the Iron Patriot armor at the end of IM3. I hope this is true :)

Speak for yourself. As soon as I heard S.T.A.R. Labs in the movie I thought of Cyborg. It's not a hard connection to make.