
Not so much, when her initial flirting with him included flashing her thong.

I would give you Six stars if I could.

It’s lose. LOSE goddammit.

The Brazille appointment is the most despicable, we can argue all day about the identity politics of diversity and who should check what boxes but how the fuck does anyone think this is a good idea? God Boomers are the woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorst.  

Real question: Does anyone have success with Bumble? I’m a fairly average looking guy (I think?) and I rarely match with anyone and when I do, they don’t message. I’ve talked with some of the women I’m close with and they’ve had similar issues starting conversations. Obviously (it is a dating app), the women I know

agreed. that is such a poor way to end your advice... not even sure this column is helpful let alone kind spirited.

*Reads answer to LW1*

Dude, it’s overrated.

Why don’t you assume an institution should try to be perfect? They have a responsibility to their constituents to do the best job they can for the least cost. Anything else should be criminal. The level of “job” you think they should actually do, well that’s a matter for debate. But whether you think they should do

It’s good to know there are still people out there that believe the government is completely accountable and responsible with how it spends our money. Such innocence is... refreshing.

Problem - government funding actually does come from taxes.

So it is taxpayer’s money.

lol right? If that’s the greeting there, I certainly don’t want to visit.

Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.

He said he remembers it differently. The truth likely falls between.

I think this looks worse on her then him. I don’t get why she is making this a public issue by writing it on Twitter. She’s should just talk to him privately, let him explain himself and apologize there. It’s not the world’s business.

because the flavor of one piece lasts approximately 10 seconds.

This is why your house will likely get egged/TP’d.

Candy corn states are the “flyover states” of Halloween.