
Wait, is this the witch hunt? You know, because he didn’t actually touch anyone and only implied that women would lose jobs if they didn’t respond to his overtures?

Are we about to get to a state where you cant ask anyone out? Not in this case, this is clearly over any line. But where exactly is that line? Mine is if i ask someone out and if they say no I’m done forever with them in that manner, they would have ask me next time if there was a next time.

If Richard Spencer’s company fires him for his behavior that would be a good comparison. NFL players and Richard Spencer cannot have the government censor their speech. Private organizations are free to discipline you if they don’t like what you are saying on company time. The University of Florida is a public

ANTIFA is worse than the Nazis! Why is that being ignored by the media?!/s

What the governor is really doing, though, is declaring a state of emergency over the presence of anti-fascists.

These new ads that prevent scrolling are a dealbreaker. If you do not remove them you will get removed from my adblock exceptions.

Except in this case, and in many cases, they aren’t just reporting “rape or sexual assault” in a general sense: they are directly accusing someone. If we have to believe their accusation without considering the evidence than QED we must also believe that the accused is automatically guilty without even considering the

So are you advocating that we move to a society where we don’t even consider the evidence? Everyone accused is just automatically declared guilty? Are you you want to do that? Are you aware of the history of how false rape accusations in the south were used to justify persecuting and killing black men? The reason that

Grievance Mongers... Do you realize how insane this is? You think a 42 year old man with a clean record would just now start his career in assault? The statistics would say no.

Well, now it’s official, nelly did it!

Guys, this is so fucking cool! No cadet.. it is fucking cool! (Whirrr, whirrr, whirr) The sound you hear is the whirling dervish of Gene Roddenberry’s corpse spinning in his grave.

It appears everyone is zeroing in on the issue I detected in the first episode, the abandonment of the ethical high ground that the Federation has always maintained.

Exactly. And on the Orville even though they were clearly enemies and clearly evil the captain still couldn’t bring himself to harm the Krill (Klingon) kids even though he basically just made a bunch of enemies by letting them live. When the comedy version is more moral and on point than the actual Star Trek

Just watch “The Orville.” It’s a much better show.

I gave up on Discovery after the first episode. For my Star Trek fix, I’m watching The Orville.

Yeah it’s totally only blacks who get mistreated while flying. The reason? White males need to assert their dominance.

I was going to watch this as it aired (goddammit, CBS, and your insane streaming only ploy), but after some initial reactions from my Trekkie friends I’ve changed my mind. I can’t commit my time and attention to something that’s just going to disappoint me. I can’t go through Weeds or Justified again. Maybe after the

I was there 29 years ago. I was 8.

Wildling hits it beyond the Wall.  

Damn near cried tonight. I know they still need to lock down 2 more wins, but this was the biggest hit of my Dodgers fandom (I was 2 in 1988). To finally have a playoff highlight in at least the LCS that I can cling to and remember, that sure felt good after annual heartbreak or 0-2/1-1 deficits (1-1 is a deficit in