
There needs to be an end to it at some point though. I understand the past was horrible, but we can never take back the things our ancestors did, all we can do is learn from it and move forward together with equal rights for everyone involved. I worked since I was 16 and with my parents help were able to put me

Edit: Whoops, hit the wrong button.

Sadly there is no end in sight. The reserve system is too big now to be abolished. Perpetual crime, substance abuse, molestation, murders, suicides by young people. They are literal shit holes but no one will do what needs to be done...on both sides.

I hated the twins. But Michael’s dramatic walk-off and Margarita’s hand-wringing about Claire’s top (which ultimately looked nothing like her previous week’s dress) made me hate them, too.

I’m not sure which line-reading made me laugh harder: Tim talking about the cheating or Kenya’s unenthusiastic “These Pilot erasable pens are awesomely dope.”

I hated that moment after Claire was asked to leave and Michael tried to grab her hand and console her as she was walking out. “I never meant for this to happen...” Shut up. You wanted to call someone out for cheating and you did. Don’t try to look like a sweetheart. She did cheat! It’s ok to be the whistle blower.

I feel so old. Raise your hand if you were watching season 3 when Keith was kicked off for pattern books!

- and even if they ask to see your dick, you should probably refuse 9 outta 10 times.

Try to avoid painting with a broad brush. Most men don’t sexually assault women.

I’m sure make up artists are part of a union. While unions do plenty of good, trying to get a union member fired or even reassigned isn’t the easiest thing to do (unless they murder someone) and may have played into it.


She’s “holding everyone accountable” 20 years after the fact.

Why did she decide to come forward at this point? You can call it victim blaming, but I can’t understand her sanctimony at this point when she basically took the settlement “blood money” 20 years ago when she could have spoken out, pursued criminal charges, and maybe saved other women from this monster.

You can’t smell an ebook.

Rose sold her silence for 100K. 100K vs. more victims, selfish. Now she scrambles for influence and 15 more minutes of fame. Why doesn’t she just go down to the police station and give evidence? All the enablers are looking how to best lie their way out of this. They were and always will be about themselves. The

I’ve liked what McGowan has been doing up to this point. This reads like a power move to get her show made.

Only $100,000 to stay silent about being raped? Weinstein is, conservatively, worth $100 million. I believe Rose but there’s got to be more to the deal she made than that, right?

Everyone get in here and hug or high-five Steeplejack.

I wonder how much breaking her non-disclosure is going to cost?

I just read it for free from the library.