um... what is that response?!? NRA? Bar Mitzvah? What’s next- Go buy my wife’s Marchesa dresses?
um... what is that response?!? NRA? Bar Mitzvah? What’s next- Go buy my wife’s Marchesa dresses?
Ashley Judd used to do movies where she was sexy and naked; now she’s all about feminism. THAT’s why a certain segment of the population hates her. They liked jerking it to her picture; how dare she ruin that by talkin’ and stuff?
Who are these fans who want to see a third movie? Show yourselves!
I get sport-fucking for fun and giggles.
Bullshit, hes working at a Verizon store in Houston.
I am a victim of being catfished by someone black who is also working with a white hate group to try to kill me with my food. God is protecting me. The blacks are church based. Instead of helping me to grow up in the things of God, because of fear, they say it is someone else who is me. Have gone to police but they…
Aw, just leave them alone. They’re just trying to have a couple of sheds.
Easy fix, don’t use made up pronouns, but instead just call people by their names.
Fellow former strict Catholic here, and I’d swear we abolished the concept of limbo quite some time ago?
All jokes aside, their original estate Schloss Molsberg is just a stone’s throw away from where I live.
I am pro abortion, but your analysis doesn’t make sense.
No, babies are full of original sin until they’re baptised, so they’d go to purgatory.
That one is a legit title at least.
Driving along, that song comes on, crank it up, belt it out. Middle age retreats and indestructible youth revives for 3:36 minutes.
Saw him a couple weeks ago on a whim and so grateful we did. Sang our hearts out to every song. He may have the most consistently epic catalog of songs by any artist... Despite knowing this was his last major tour, the show really felt like a goodbye... I had a weird feeling in my gut about it. Sorry, just processing…
To honor him, I’m going to go have a dance with Mary Jane when I get home from work tonight (although it won’t be my last.)
You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free
I think many people who call Milo and Ben Shapiro white supremacists and Nazis have never actually listened to a full interview by either one of them.