“Join the conversation” was the greatest thing I have ever seen in a Pepsi ad, laughed my ass off
“Join the conversation” was the greatest thing I have ever seen in a Pepsi ad, laughed my ass off
Re: Spiedi — are we sure this isn’t Barf Bag?
Maybe I’m overthinking this, but if I were Taylor Swift, adored symbol of white supremacists in America*, I wouldn’t join promotional forces with a company full of people wearing brown shirts.
I thought of Ripley too.
He also has Ellen Ripley. While he didn’t create her, he did make her even more of a badass than she was in Alien. She was more hardcore than the Colonial Marines, and I don’t know if a lot of directors would have done that.
I remember years and years ago, my sis and I going to a Star Trek convention and enjoying ourselves, seeing stars from the shows and people watching the fans dressed up and sharing their knowledge. As we were leaving, some guy started verbally abusing another guy for wearing the wrong color with accessories or…
Oh man, it is high noon on my sundial right now.
It’s OK to hate both sides in this one, right?
I’m happy for Kit Harrington and Rose Leslie. You can tell he is insanely in love with her by the fact that he was completely incapable of displaying even slight interest in a beautiful woman during his “romance” during the last season of Game of Thrones.
Figured a hunk like this is drowning in pussy but here we are.
She sucks.
Fuck this transphobic, racist, holding down the Bloods, piece of trash.
I’ve tried to like/understand the appeal here and I don’t get it. (I’m old, but not that old.) The song is no different or better than the seemingly endless “trap” songs saturating the world right now. And she is not any more charismatic, goodlooking than any other female artist out there. Nor is she an exceptional…
That song is really, really bad. This is the sort of shit that gets Donald Trump elected
I always get a little...weirded out is too strong a phrase, and uncomfortable doesn’t seem right either, but something along those sentiments seeing so many young kids in these competitions. In particular the singers, many of who seem to have poor technique that if isn’t corrected could cause serious damage. I also…
Same! I want to hate it but I can’t!
She is amazing!
Biggest takeaway from the Melissa Joan Hart story: Nickelodeon resorts still exist.
This culture of “Since your Instagram post disappeared. Thought I’d help you find it” is so shamey and passive aggressive. She deleted the stupid post. Why do we browbeat people with their dumb mistakes? I’m tired of moralizing vigilantes who claim to be agents of social justice but actually make the internet a…
My never ending crush on MJH will not be shaken by callous, tone-deaf instagram statements! Which makes me kind of disappointed in myself...