as a person from the south, i grew up on chick-fil-a - it was a staple. but once they started funneling money into prop 8, i noped right the f out - i hadn’t had it since.
as a person from the south, i grew up on chick-fil-a - it was a staple. but once they started funneling money into prop 8, i noped right the f out - i hadn’t had it since.
“I believe these women are telling the truth about Louis CK.”
Oh it is so worse than that. Kirkman clarified that she was not alleging Louis CK masturbated in front of her almost immediately after Jezebel’s first go round. She’s said that clearly and consistently. She’s called out Jezebel by name for misreporting and misrepresenting her. Yet as evidenced above, Jezebel continues…
I literally read the interview with Jenn Kirkman yesterday, and this feels more like a way to keep people outraged and get clicks than actually trying to get the truth. The Kinja bros will love it though. Anything that feeds their hate for Jezebel makes them happy.
You’d think a former Gawker property would learn after momma was killed by the Hulkster.
But we’re crowd-sourcing with (sparkly balloon font) USER GENERATED CONTENT!
I’m guessing “forced to move on” or “closed as a website” is probably a more likely outcome.
In an interview with the New York Times on September 11, Louis C.K. declined to discuss
This is getting boring and a little gross. It’s reminding me of the call for unedited photos of Lena Dunham – skeevy and not what I’d expect from this site.
Continuing to double down on this story when there is absolutely no evidence to support the allegations is irresponsible journalism. Until you guys get some sort of reliable evidence, you should really just keep your mouths shut.
Wow, doubling down on this crap even after Kirkman’s statements. Gawker never really died did it?
Ellen has become a fucking asshole
I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven know I’m miserable now.
...and Heaven knows I’m miserable now...
But he’s celebrating a well-earned recognition through hard work and bootstraps, not a diversity handout.
She’s the worst but man even I have no clue what this dude is trying to say
Annnnd Katie Rife again. Did they hire you direct from Gawker? Is that why you cradle the Gawker-balls so hard? Because you absolutely insinuate that a fucking Gawker Blind Item is anything to be taken with merit. Which is wildly irresponsible and just shy of fucking retarded (and being autistic, i reserve the right…
I’m Spartacus
but did they thank God for winning an award??