In court Dolan will defend himself by bringing his band up to the stand and serenading the jury with a rendition of the Black Crowes’ Hard to Handle.
In court Dolan will defend himself by bringing his band up to the stand and serenading the jury with a rendition of the Black Crowes’ Hard to Handle.
(puts on old ass Michael Rapaport’s narration in the vintage Knicks 30 for 30 documentary, where he notes that they haven’t won shit since he was 2 years old)
I honestly don’t understand why this is still newsworthy. He’s not wrong from either a practical or scientific perspective (seriously, there’s research on this) that repeatedly discussing the rumor, even to refute it, will make it worse and lead more people to associate him with the story. He’s already said it’s not…
Obvious solution: abandon this account, make a new burner!
All the best tetrahedrons are in the greys.
Is it just me or is Sloane a striking beauty? Like, a real life Helen of Troy?
Disappointed that Venus lost—I would really love for her to get one more Grand Slam—but good god. Venus didn’t lose that game; Sloane flat out won it. I couldn’t believe the balls she chased down.
“Clean out the joint accounts, sell everything you own together”
This must be fourth wave feminism where you steal, extort and manipulate the poor basterd that is dumb enough to get you pregnant.
. . . ALL before he has time to think. Work fast.
Maintaining a strictly email relationship with someone is not an affair. Unless you are having sex with someone you are not having an affair.
She should never have demanded he never speak to her again.
What is she doing going through his email? Why does she have the right to say “you can’t speak to a woman you shared one kiss with?” And WTF why are women like this?
One would hope a crisis like this will enable these women to realize that life is precious and should be saved. Hopefully the amount of women taking up this offer is very low.
It’s too bad no one stands up for the unborn children anymore. They are a “burden” and “inconvenient”. Maybe those children want to live as much as their parents do because of the storm.
Mary: Hey, Jesus, got a light?
This divorce finally got interesting again post Nannygate.
Any consideration for the view point that it is unhealthy to the individual to generate a lifelong perception that “feeding me is the government’s job”?
This is dumb moralizing. If they qualify for the tournament, they deserve to make the tournament.