
I suppose it’s possible. He’s 56, she’s 39. I feel like she’s not young enough for this gibe to really hit home.

THANK YOU. Andy Cohen is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

Wait, it was 2004?!

I always knew George Burnett would go far.

Not Dirtbag related exactly but are there no more pending/gray comments? Since yesterday across all of the sites I have not seen any on the new posts (though for all I know it is just me). Thanks.

Yo Jez, where the greys at today? I can’t see ‘em.

Never quite got why we’re putting so much pressure on musicians and other celebrities, many of whom are not particularly well-educated or informed in a general sense (not trying to be mean, those kinds of careers tend to require a tremendous amount of work that precludes other stuff). I mean, nothing against Taylor

Must have left her “Get Out Of Consequences Free” card at home.

I hope you are the first white person to pay reparations. Go ahead. Give up your wealth and continue preaching about “good for her”...did you commit violence against her simply by living? Ask yourself that WHITE LADY...always the pother white people and never you, right?And if you are okay with being one of these

Yeah, don’t think calling 75% of your customers entitled, clueless racists is the best marketing ploy. Or saying your employer is full of crap for giving you a job. But kudos to her for standing up for what she believes in. I think my employer (and many of our clients) is pretty clueless and evil too, but food’s gotta

She’s talking about you and your dumb liberal ass.

I’m really glad she got fired. This attitude is creating a serious race problem.

She was fired for HER racism.

Good, fuck her

Cameron Diaz should have held out for this guy

Wishing your spouse/mate happy birthday or anything like that on social media is very thirsty and stupid.

I can’t guarantee it.

Everyone is blaming the show like everyone on the show aren’t grown ass adults. Yes, it fosters an atmosphere of drinking and hooking up and that’s what the participants want to do. Or, in the case of Taylor-not drink and make out with a cute guy in Mexico. And either case is okay because they are grown ass adults.

This blaming the show is kinda contrived isn’t it? How is the show responsible for recklessly fostering an environment where outside influences aren’t taken into account, is your employer responsible for keeping your medications in check when you go to the office christmas party? Are bars responsible if someone

I’m so sad that Hillary lost and we don’t get to have a Taco Truck on every corner. That was the best Trump promise ever :(