
Write the same article for Jay Cutler and I will stop thinking you are a racist scumbag. (Maybe)

Distraction > Talent. That’s Kap’s problem. 

Man, this sounds like a great summer-time activity to do with friends. I wish I had some.

Skipping down to avoid spoilers because I’m gonna see it anyway. I mean, I knew it was probably going to be bad, but big, dumb, star-filled expensive movies are part of what the summer is about.

I can’t remember the name of the guy between Blair and Jo, but I hope he grew up to be hot.

I absolutely support a person’s right to say no. No unwanted attention, no unwanted touching. Ever.

I’m the mother of two boys. If they’re in high school and a teacher propositions them and I find out I’m going straight to the police. It’s not just about the age difference. There’s also a real power imbalance.

What is not to believe about Bradley Cooper having a baby, you cannot refute this video proof.

I love the racism you enthusiastically express.
Obama was invited many times by Bill O’Rielly, but he was to chicken shit to appear.

They didn’t care in the 80's because it was the annihilation they wanted, without really lifting a finger. Now it’s white people. White poor people are all up in arms, and asking their lord king trump to do something.

Meanwhile, just like the 80's, the rich white men aren’t going to help here either. Those poor white

And people think that it could never happen to them or their kids so they don’t give a shit.

Nobody really ever cares about an issue in America until it affects upper middle class whites—basically, the same demographic as national journalists and their friends in the Beltway.

Yeah i kind of see your point, its not just poor people effected by these drugs ,all though the majiority proably are. But you are right there is a definte sense of moral superiority like oh these people did it to themselves and that these people are bad and deserve what they got.

It reminds me of the AIDS epidemic, honestly. People know it’s happening but they don’t care because they think drug overdoses happen to bad people who are doing bad things and therefore deserve to die. It’s cruel as fuck. And people think that it could never happen to them or their kids so they don’t give a shit. But

Dark times but we made it through them. Although Baby Animal always entertained me.

That’s... really terrible. It’s like the soundtrack from a B rated 80s flick.

Rob can take some good-natured jabbing about his NFL career, but he’ll be damned if he’s gonna let someone stand there and badmouth the jalapeno poppers.

After the fight, did they put their cowboy hats back on and ride off on their motorcycles together?

Met Kimora last year at the school her kids went to. Not a particularly pleasant person.

You’d never expect that those 2 brothers wrote a song called “Don’t Look Back in Anger”