
Captain’s Log, supplemental, Stardate 72717

hmmm, I wonder if anyone every asked Benedict Arnold what his thoughts on the Monroe doctrine where.

They’re mass protest in the streets, riots in Baltimore, cops shot in NYC, Texas , oh wait…

I bought this t-shirt on sale from the hbo store the first season Game of thrones came out. I still consider it one of my best purchases

old married women who haven’t seen a new peen in a while.

Evan rachel wood is a witch i’ve been saying it for years all we need is a duck to make sure as we all know:

Guess my jokes bombed worst then the beach at Dunkirk, hey-yo.

Exactly , although the picture of Jlo’s ass hanging in my house hasn’t aged at all.

She must have a portrait of her ass hanging in her house that ages.

My favorite quotes in no particular order:

Hmmm, i love bosco on my japanese breakfast.

Are you telling me that shark week has jumped the human.

I just suspect Theron is so far up in that stratosphere her own ass.

It’s got to be very duff for duff losing all her duff but I don’t really give a duff.

Its strange to me when people are like this is amazing, she so confident, that celine she really did it I love her.

Ruth Wilson’s Lips double in The Affair is suing Showtime for a string of duck face harassment-related allegations.

-Do I make you tHorney baby.

Great now going home i’m going to have to get through all the black people celebrating in the streets.

First clueless hair is back and now OJ, this 90's revival is in full swing.