
Time to sell your blinkin park* tix.

And now i feel bad for Aaron Carter , the world is a strange place.

Just be careful, blowing up your relationship can be dangerous.

Jackie’s sister is hot, definitely doable wang or no wang.

All Bernie Sanders has to do is join the military work his way up and achieve 2 ranks above major and then he will have no problems with the black women vote. Sorry goodbye.



Yeah real “lucky”.

Thanks a lot “fans”.

Emma watson needs to contact her co-star from the cult classic The Circle , Mr.Tom Hanks Stat.

Gives new meaning to saying she should be jailed for matching that skirt with that top.

I’m not sure if you seen any of the videos but heads sometimes not ok.

This is like when your sister used to come in your room and steal your action figures. You know she didn’t really like them she just wanted to take something you liked to make you feel bad. She didn’t care about them like you did she just didn’t want you to have it. When I was young I was I nerd I liked battlestar,


The only way these old coggers and boy blokes will be happy is if they have an episode were they go back in time and benny hill accidentally rips off the new dr.who’s skirt then chases her around with that music playing.

This is who dr. who fans used before it became cool to like dr who,  12 year boys and men who never saw a girl naked , now your taking that away from them.

Didn’t a blond lady get killed by the police the other day.

Its an old world Italian thing. anything scandalous that happened in the past you dont talk about. Like you dont bring up aunt zazee’s first husband louie, you forget they exist and move on.

Hey mikey paison, you look like a prize mamaluke with this overhere. Forgettaboutit, hey yo will talk it over some sausage and gravy.