
I saw that Mariah carey appearance it was very odd. She comes out meets the contestants then Jamie fox brings her over to a piano, she sits down, Then gets up and leaves. Me and my mom were like what the hell just happened.

Naomi Watts, Oscar nominee and twin sister of Nicole Kidman

Weak tea.

Some assembly required, personality not included.

I’m waiting on her next book :

Slam, da duh duh, da duh duh
Let the girls be girls.

Funny Fairuza Balk is now a dental hygienist:

Why does aaron carter have 614K followers on twitter, thats fake right, its fake mean its gotta be fake followers or something right, please tell its fake. I hope its fake, yeah its totally fake.

It would be funny if she really was killing all these republicans. And they were all cowering and hiding at home, ”oh sir you got a message from Hillary its just a picture of a black hand, GULP.”

 Sir Rumi carter sounds like the bum on my block who drinks rum all day. Oh there he is ol’ sir rumi carter.

Another victim of killary the jack the ripper of our time.

Not if i have anything to say about it.

Thank you, i thought i was alone.

Did you ever see the commercial with her dad. he called for a one of the credit cards and she’s like When the phone operator asked if he was related to Garner “He was so proud to tell her, ‘As a matter of fact she is my middle daughter,’ and Jennifer starts laughing like oh dad I can’t believe you said that, like what

I find the LBGT movement is basically the new religion for people on left and atheists. So you should approach them as you would people of other religion then yourself. When you meet people of other religions you can either be respectful of their beliefs and understand this is what they were taught or you can be

Stephanopoulos must feel really short when he hangs out with his friend big bird.

Socks? i thought it was the big giant Yankees flat hat.

She should just say its jizz, then we would all believe her.