
I love mariska hargitay, this movie was really bad don’t watch it.

They asked caitlyn how she looks so good she said uses

This story was tragic she spent her whole life in fitness treating her body like a temple exercising eating right , she probably thought I’ve done it I’ve beat whipped cream it cannot harm me. But all the time whipped cream was biding its time waiting for her to slip up and take her out. RIP hot French fitness

This story was tragic she spent her whole life in fitness treating her body like a temple exercising eating right , she probably thought I’ve done it I’ve beat whip cream it cannot harm me. But all the time whip cream was biding its time waiting for her to slip up and take her out. RIP hot French fitness lady.

She’s a regular Rosa parksowitz already.

Watching these Britney videos I’ve come to realize my life is the direct opposite of Britney spears, like if we ever met in real life we would cancel each other out, like when a subatomic particle collides with its respective antiparticle, such as an electron colliding with a positron with the result being

Way to go.

I’ll stick with my “low fashion dirt bag style” thank you very much.

Why can’t you invite them to a cookout ,makes no sense. unless this is a joke i dont understand oh well back to work.

Lincoln Lincoln blow bincoln
Banana fana F Lincoln
Fe fi hot for fincoln

If he was from canada his name would be George Looney (that’s their currency).

On Halloween night the ghost of Houdini will show up and tell you how to escape the soul crushing debt you handcuffed your finances in from buying Houdini house.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have hired a surrogate to have their third chid.

There is no way this “plus size” model is fat or obese she has a normal body the other models have abnormal bodies so it should be noted as so.

most people in America are heavier so the so called plus size model represent the majority so they should be allowed the title model . the super skinny insect looking models are the outlier freaks who should have to have a label affixed before the model title as to notify everybody that this is not a regular body

shouldn’t we be calling the “regular” models stick-size models and plus-size models just models.

Notwithstanding, I need your help in a variety of ways. First, we need to “take it easy” on holiday spending.

This is tough, first those leaked pics of bebs showed he was prettyr well-endowed, but then again its beiber. But then the hanson boys are Christian and are probably afraid of getting down and dirty with the V the way that needs to be done, but then again they seem to each have many kids so they must have some clue.

Would you rather bang beiber or be triple teamed by hanson?