McCoy's Mistress


Rumor has it they only decided to cast their votes against her once Mitch McConnell made sure the rest of the troops were in line. They only did this for saving face.

Looks like that NYT story and all of the President Bannon talk has officially gotten under Cheeto’s skin.

I’ll take a zombie rising of all Presidents.

this is the like the most like important news of the day.

I mean, he wasn’t Trump famous or anything...


“Bitch I Told U: A Series of Short Essays By Hillary Clinton”

Also Jill Stein, Berniebros, Gary Fucking Johnson and Susan Sarandon

Oh Hillary, we’ve spent almost as much time thinking about it as you have. Maybe more.

I really hope she calls out all the sexist shit she had to wade through... especially the sexist shit from the left.

I wonder what runs through her head while Trump’s administration unfolds? I think history will be very kind to her. I understand politics is ugly, but the ways she has been smeared over the years is so vile.

Same! Let’s both give her one, she should have 3

That’s fair. And this is admittedly optimistic, but that’s exactly the type of area where judges tend to grow when they get to SCotUS. No judge wants to be wrong, but federal judges are more willing to be political knowing that there is a backstop if they screw up. The gravity of becoming the backstop tends to have a

The 4th Amendment was the only thing Scalia was good on, but it was an important one.

Does she need a kidney? I’ve got two and I’m willing to share.

They will use the nuclear option to get this guy through. What do they care? There will never be another Democrat controlled Congress, because Congress as an institution has about 6 months left.

Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop

I don’t think it was what you were going for but you do recognize how that statement is pretty disparaging of black women, right?