McCoy's Mistress

Couldn’t billionaire Betsy pay for her own security?

It’s in the water at The View

Kamala 2020!!!

Does that count as renewable energy?

This comment needs to be at the top

Off to B&N. Thank you!

Yes - exactly. And the other actors in Syria know clowns are running the show here and can exploit that

This autocracy isn’t stable, but I see your point. The real danger here is that we’ve entered a proxy war.

Needed to be said and you said it perfectly

Why are you denigrating gamers like this??

Bannon is too wasted to fight. Or just wasted enough?

He only said he couldn’t be along with other WOMEN unsupervised...

::reads headline:: For Pence?!?!

Yeah I thought better of it and edited my original grim comment

Ugh that must be really frustrating. If any industry needs people tapped into culture, it’s advertising.

I guess they only hire clueless white people, like many businesses & current admin

Hitler’s spa is a striking phrase if there ever were one

Can someone tell me what’s up with mismatching bikinis too??

Doesn’t she have enough on her plate?! She’s totally Superwoman though.