
Especially when you consider how often a sex scene is absolutely superfluous to the narrative being told. I saw Ewan McGregor talk about this in an interview a few years ago. He basically said that yes, sex scenes are horrible to shoot, but that he tries really hard to make sure that he chooses projects that aren’t

Damn it Britney, for president.

Perhaps esteemed Kinja user thepictureofduriangray could assist you with this.

I know it’s been nearly ten years, but this still feels weird and too soon.

Forgive me if I stole this from someone, but...

But not enough to you know, let those Syrian children come to the United States to escape chemical warfare.

Man this one still hurts. Heath was my favorite actor I adored him I dragged my sister to see every single movie he was in. When he died...It devastated me a bit. I can’t wait to see this.

He about destroyed me in Brokeback Mountain. I saw that film once when it came out, and I still think about his performance.

It’s still a real heartbreaker. Everyone who worked with him had nothing but great things to say. He was robbed of an Oscar for Brokeback Mountain too.


Did I miss it or did you leave off Betsy DeVoss?

Perhaps Harry Reid could be Sirius? Your Al Franken as Neville is utter genius, if I might say...

I have nothing to add of substance, but my friend and I played “recast the government with Harry Potter characters” the other day, and here’s what we’ve got.

👏🏽...... 👏🏽....... 👏🏽.......👏🏽

I want Katie and Nicole Kidman to do a documentary together which solely consists of them comparing their individual trips to hell.

Is it just me or does gossip seem particularly lifeless post-inauguration? I just don’t give a shit about any of this stuff. Has Trump really drained my joy that much?

I still call Schroedinger’s relationship. Only Katie knows if he’s in the box.

Honestly fuck whoever took a creepshot of them in a restaurant. Katie Holmes has been through enough for one fucking lifetime, let the woman enjoy a normal fucking relationship.

It also helps if you read the article before you comment.