I have a feeling they cut off his penis. Am I the only one that gets this vibe?
I have a feeling they cut off his penis. Am I the only one that gets this vibe?
Yeah, Jake was the creep in the situation imo.
Agreed, but I’ll still watch it.
Don’t jump on me, but he didn’t remember having sex and she did so...I don’t know. It seemed sketchy for both sides. Maybe it’s been too long and I don’t remember it clearly.
Gay here so I have no reference but his chin looks like how I picture a ball from a set of balls would be.
She’s so pale maybe she needs the burkini so she won’t burst into flames.
No, Aragog was cool. He loved Hagrid and kept his kids from killing him. He was just being true to his nature to ok his kids eating Ron and Harry.
Damn!! That was a fun read. I don’t get why you don’t have more stars? That was just brill.
It got most of it. The little fine hairs stayed and grow very slowly, so I don’t have to shave often. It hurts like a mother, I hear they have numbing cream they can put on before. I didn’t use it b/c I was trying to be tough (I’m dumb). I wish I had. If I knew it worked then I wouldn’t be here, so chicken to…
Good idea!! Taking a soothing bath sounds nice. Maybe I’ll pull out the fancy soaps and shampoos. I think I might give myself a few masks too; clay for redness, a flower gel mask for moisture, and eye pads for puffiness.
I do something similar with Saphris for mania. Maybe I’ll call my doctor and see what he says. I honestly need a vacation. I just need to power through the next few months. It has been so long since I’ve been down.
Things have not been great. I had a minor accident over spring break and was taking some muscle relaxers. I’m bipolar and think it messed with my mood. Or it could be do to outside forces. My Uncle died, by best friend has been in the hospital for the last 3 weeks, I’m burnt out on school and have been fucking up…
I don’t know. I’ve heard of cats that end up just dividing territory in a house, getting jealous of each other, and fighting. Your cat is young so he may not be set in his ways.
Throw in an orange peel with a few cloves poked thru
That is like a miracle! I never hear stories of a quick turnaround like that.
That is a question where the answer depends on the quality of the sheets. I use a million feet when it’s my Dad’s cheapo tp.
Oops, I’ve been using that expression wrong. I thought a whore’s bath was just throwing on perfume.
I use conditioner to shave, so...no.
I get it, but I’m such a tangled mess if I use a top sheet.