
My Mom and I watched The Man with One Red Shoe the day we found out she died.

I think her lips are real. If she has had anything done to her lips it would be a little fill to the top. Her lips look pretty much like they did as a child. My lips look a lot like hers and my childhood photos look a lot like her childhood photos.

I agree, it is a special relationship. Being close to one’s Grandparents is a special bond like no other.

I’m sorry for your loss too. It must be especially difficult with it being so recent. My condolences to you and your family.

I’m sorry to hear about your Grandfather too. My condolences.

If you see anyone with hair that you think is great just ask them where they get it done. I found it has worked for finding tattoo artists in new towns so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for hair stylists too.

It looks perfect. I think burnt sugar is way better than just lightly toasted. Yum!!

I went on a crying jag yesterday. It is the first Christmas since my Grandfather died. It is especially sad because so many good and important things are happening this year in many of us grandkid’s lives. Two of us are graduating from college, one is pregnant with what will be the first great grandchild, and my

I’m really bummed it isn’t opening in my city until Jan 6th. I really would have liked to see it at Xmas when my Mom is visiting.

Isn’t pink lemonade just lemonade with red dye?

I think it is cow marrow that makes emulsifiers and gelatin.

It really does look like a rex. If you see a close up of his face you can see his whiskers short like some Devon Rexs (plural of rex?).

It depends. Some cats are like my Scooby who only gets a bath when she has fleas. My last cat needed regular grooming to deal with his massively long fur. I believe sphynx cats need baths too. Also if the cat isn’t that great about cleaning themselves.

Have you seen his other videos? It is such a joy to watch him sing with his cat. Just too cute!

That is such a good way to looking at things. Def a good motto to live by.

The exception to the sad grape rule is when they are in pilaf or covered in chocolate.

Thank you!! I get so frustrated with people ragging on Texas.

Austin is pretty hipster. I’m in San Antonio, we have the Spurs and it is really diverse. Houston has a great food scene. In fact there are some amazing BBQ spots all over the place. If you haven’t heard of those things I very much doubt you are getting diverse enough news about Texas to judge it.

Love love love that breed! They are the most gorgeous dogs to me. What is his/her personality like?

Austin is pretty liberal and the city I live in is mainly Latinx like me. Not every place in Texas sucks. My city is super diverse. I used to live in Colorado and was like why is everyone white? Again, maybe I wasn’t in the right cities.